Tuesday, June 18, 2024

How happens in a laboratory

 To find the quantity about a chemical, when is atomic had better reagents than the molecular but is that way, you calculate the thing that you want see, blood is better, see the person put a paper of timerosal and compare the coloration of the same way to see if something is alcaline or acid, is a reagent in a paper that change the coloration and you see by the tone the quality.

So you macerate the thing, put in a aquosa substance, why aquosa substance, because is water if you don't have something better water had PH, so all is weight and put in quantities, because isn't weight but molecules, but you think had more molecules if the weight is heavier you cn't count molecules, so you put the reagent had a lot that is liquid and not a paper, but you have to measure the reagent, because if enter 60ml/L after the reaction you have to know how much of reagent that still have in the solution, tharammmm.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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