Monday, June 17, 2024

Humble yourself so as not to be humiliated

 What I think about that guy of 3 years ago. I thought is that rich know give work for others and poor only know see esfolar, your know your mental friend had a lot of friends because people like that French, she find prostitution even for men, he was needing money to by that bakery was on Brazil the money for that gay. And she baptize, he didn't said, she is the first in the line, you money what for, you want money what for!!!!! With that gayzona let everybody die, money to esnobar...

So about him, one-man bakery, thought you knew North-American English, didn't you listen one-man band? Is a person with all the musical instrument attached to his body he playing kind of 7 instruments, the musical dishes between the legs, a tambor attached to the body with other tambor in the backs, with the arms hitting the two, with horns hang in the body, with a harmonic in front the mouth to he blow, don't you think this a serious person, maybe a suffer man that humiliate him to have money people give money for pathetic people that is a stupid "bobo da corte".

So rich people know give work for others because money would not humiliate him, and poor only know "see esfolar", "resfolegar", and he in the video with pride! People seeing that didn't passes of a poor jumping a table, if money for the first time, don't even know what is be rich, poor is fooled even for himself, showing all the decadence that is one day have money, showing that was a infancy of poorness a rich is so resguardado -shield, but he know "mexer' stir with internet and film him to put in the youtube but see I am from a subrace, each race of Europe is super? Don't have grades for subs and super, doesn't have a super race in Brazil, so but I am intelligent, even Einstein said that is better a mulatto that is a genius than a super race that is merely with brains.

See also sometimes a white want a kid with Black or Indians because doesn't worth for noboy and want a Indian or Balck son or daughter to take care of him or her. Also demented souls die for a white body, no matters the conditions.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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