Sunday, June 16, 2024

I gonna say your lie seu trouxa here I gonna sent your saint

 You know why she is good? Because like you she don't have a soul... She is so bad like your enemy, the bad soul is hers is that died so today she is good, you think that a person uses the name of a saint, isn't that way, she is locked in the garden of a house being beat and she isn't married she live like woman of a old woman, is because nobody could be so bad like she was, his soul died and a person walk pretending is she using her name, all that was in the head of your saint, so his husband is a horrible old woman, and not the granddaughter of the old woman, so she is locked like an animal, why don't you go after her? She didn't call names with you but abuse of a child, his granddaughter, the woman that uses her name give her bath hit her head with a log call her grandmother, so if you enter the house if you don't go to the garden you gonna find the Usurpadora, liking the story, if people doesn't rape her would not be the Usurpadora but your saint, when she got pregnant was the old woman that fuck her that stay with men that was full of porra, if you be bad in Brazil you gonna be woman of demoniacs women. Doc what story you want to listen?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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