Saturday, June 15, 2024

I make sablés and

 I make a lot of cookies before the blog and the almonds flour, I prefer buy the almond and make the process then buy the flour of almonds because - almonds had a wonderful smell, but when you buy the floor the smell is gone, because smell is type essential oil, and evaporate very fast, so the oil that isn't the parfum remains, but the one that make that bouquet just is volatile, so to make sablés I mill the almonds to be more odoriferous, in the cookie and even after bake the smell will be retain for a long time, the recipe that I follow asks a bit of essence that could be replace for 20g I think of bitter almond that probably had even more fragrance the other is 200g and the bitter is 20g, just this one I don't have to buy.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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