Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The guardian passed to say who is she for one there

 You wuman woman in Brazil had a grandmother with the same name of Tabita, she used this name had more than 10 years but the real name is that one so she isn't grandmother of your human woman just have the same name, you had a primitive brain?

Get mad, she isn't the govern of Brazil she is only the bad thing in Brazil but she is the control for people like your human woman, see that almost black woman said that was European and came a person with the same name of his grandmother to rape her. In Brazil people had to be polite had one Brazillian body today in Europe... You know why I know why she didn't use that name? Because she was a criminal when was using that name, and she was discovered with that name, would be she using a singular name after run from the police?

So the body in Europe, is a old man that lived a long life in Europe, they was trouble talking about Brazillian, and when amoung the Indians of the North of Brazil, like Amazonas, people think that went to the forest of Brazil is normal! When even a Brazillian had afraid of die there. So when they did a very deceiving body to fool him to fool European, they sent he when small to Europe, he is so Indian that is to laugh be racist with Indian he is one of more Indian, had movies that was to he remember make he recover the memory like glimpses

hold on...

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