Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The guardian said

 That the soul of Ábosta could kill all the souls of humanity. That he passed in the past till today again. Becasue if you didn't listen him he travelled for all you to in any era you had the answer for the Ábosta. So he asked you if not today in another era, nobody had the answer for the Ábosta, the guardian locked infinitely the soul of the Ábosta he doesn't know that the question is in his soul, the most od question are racism so if the humanity hadn't the answer the guardian cut a piece of the Ábosta and kill him a bit, for each question that the humanity doesn't had an answer, so he gonna die without know his questions, because are so outrageous his racism that could kill all the sous.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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