Monday, July 29, 2024

We felt pitty but this doesn't save

 I was, ha time in a party, and I though that was the night of a lesbian revenge of the girl htat she wanted. Was there a lot of friends of the victim, the friend foe, was the last year of school for them, so the foe used to say to her and I was thre listen that the professor that people used to say that had all the appearance of be lesbian was mad for her, saying nice things for her, giving presents like images of Saint Marie, small statues, that papers, rosaries, saying that she was pretty like the Saint Marie, and the victim hated very much the professor, so was a party of the end of the year in the house of another student that was the last year in the school and she even had passed, she failed but had promess a party, we were in a circle talking and the victim was talking about a trip that she had did, but right in the entrace there was the professor to give another paper with the paint of Saint Marie, weird like that. She got but when was far, she didn't never hide for the people when the preofessor wasn't seeing that didn't like her, had enter that year a very black man, ugly, probaably was form a portuguese country, htat school was of nums, so a person of another country be in a school of another country was easy, nums of around the country went for another country to be in stalations that are Catholics, you didn't knew? Had nums of that schools that were in anoterh countries because is part of be of the Catholics Church, so he was weird, and in the party the victim was talking about a travel of bus that she was with a cousin, a lady one that was more unpolite than she and they were making shame for the others singing a very sexual music that was "e rala o pinto", so she dancing in the party and singing high "e rala o pinto" than came the weird new professor that was very black and said so Fulana how is the music, the others girls that were in the circle laught of her disgrace and one by one was leaving the circle, I thought that was so discourteous and mean, but I notice that I didn't want be one of the last even me leave the circle, so she was alone with him, one another friend was with a younger boy because his boyfriend wasn't there, she wanted be far from the problem the owner of the house was close of the lesbian, the lesbian was in a room waiting the bad result of the party and I don't even know what does means. I never stay to long in the parties.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

There were that 3 nights?

 We sometimes are friend, but hypnotise we got far, was had that 3 nights? We had to have a worse fame, I thought was a fame of normal girl, I just more straight, other girls of my age and I went to a party at the night, my friend the one with problems, went in the first night with a t-shirt that had write sex, was a joke, say to me what means the point of a knife in the breast nipple? People that appear with junk got near her the other girls was to the opposite of the party, we were afraid of the attention that she got, they were pinching her breasts, a friend would got out of the party to people thinking that I was dating an he would he left it at home, and even was 8 hours P.M., in the next night she was to went to the party with a t-shirt that was write Jesus saves, was a joke one very stupid, people even didn't wait she say the rest of the joke in the next night, she was even more ridiculous in that night, she saying that people went to the party with cross around the neck, I didn't like the idea, I used nothing around the neck, I thought everything I had saw in movies fro teenagers that was almost porn, heart necklace, rings, bells, they were all fucked in the party, had small bottles also, so again she was a ruined sucess people reading that phrase, puting the finger in her breasts to read each word at the moment that read the word. We went to the point of the room thinking that she had to know got read of that assombrações that she call with her bad taste jokes. Had the 3rd night and I had the enough of it, I had did the enough my fame of 2nd night dating was enough. So I didn't need went, we can turn water, we had to got and went away.

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I seeing that of burn books is a escuse

 To people be stupid people till today don't got recover of that go study.

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The prbolem of that kINGDOM

 Is that everybody pays the same, the small sinner and the big sinner, is so cinics, why religion to we live like the demon rules? The ignorance, religions that are pure ignorance, with stupid people make rules that are creations of deformed brains...

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People try fool me

 But my mother said about, she don't remember she was a God but not in Heaven, she a trevosa, so I more than know that we were the illuminated and she was dark, and our father was iluminated and the others was like she darkness, so people saying that aren't trevas!

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You know wha the problem of you ask me

 Is that I know a lot of ugly trues. What you spect a lie? Because I can o pretty like I how I wanted that bould be.

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Do you think that lie corrupts women?

 I was saying that she always sharing the failure, she is himilated, and she shared all the thousands of years of failure, why she would obbey someone but God that don't share all the times she trying be God she was raped and prostitute for races, with souls that ressemblace to insekts, who wanted she for God, and if is insekts who destroy all the sin of the infinite audacity of want be God? Can also God live that way He uses other people to don't be offended, if does work He want the fame, fail was a false God.

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I like very much my friend but...

 If she continuous follow that woman guide, who can save her? I think the guide would try save a big sinner prostitute burning a girl that went with a married man, I don't know why so much evilty, but I believe that she of that actions.

Is that the importance is very seductive, after she had that affair we were almost around her, was 20 with her, she isn't that talent but just a person that had one fault, could be anyone, I am near the law, we need a saint with a wrong name, I would say my other dreams, but I had said years before, I was being criticise to be Catholics? What I said against that religion?

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The big lie and the spaceship

 And the big lie wanted destroy all the humanity, and he was the last of the mediocrity, and in place of want be the father of all the potatoes and onions he that could even be she wanted to be the son even being a woman of all the potatoes and onions, and the big lie would kill all the humanity and their mother an fahters would be making violent sinsex, to make all the humanity fear of so much debauchery, so the batatonas ugly women and the cebolões horridy men, would wait till the death of the last to they started the travel to the Father of the big lie and there they would became one big trash can, the big lie disrespect even kids, because the big lie is the bauchery itself. The bauchery is against God, because the big lie is the owner of the castle that others construct, with his multiracial potatoes and onions the ugliest of all the races, the only thing they need do is sinsex in name of the big lie, I am for God but that guide that is woman is cheating Him, more important that He accuse that prostitute is that woman dressed of man, is the guide make the offensor say by his own mouth to everybody listen that the prostitute is itself, the guide had to make that prostitute confess is she.

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Maybe I am Jew?

 Just this, don't pass your hand over my head.

Some memories of the past

 There is go, like I remember of course! In the day the memory...

wait I gonna make something and return in couple hours...

Too late to the next article.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

What does means

 Dream that are doing a secret work if I on't remember what is? That I went to school, that is recurrent I think I didn't had finished the studies, but I already finished, but in my dreams I am going to shool to the Colege.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

And how was working in that computer

 I talked with a person that wanted to receive the same of a genius but without the geniality, for me people can receive like if had the same result, and if he worked 3 times more for that big salary? Doing extra hours, sacrificing the weekend, and his kids? He was gay he passed the weekend farting to his cat smell, and he even had more 3 months a year, his mentor taught him to work that way to edit a whole movie of special effect the entirely movie in one file, he was very criticise for that, even for the computer was more hard, and when the things goes wrong in one part of the film, he can't just inciate with a virgen clip, he was smart of do that way, but wasn't the optimize way, all the saving taking hours, is that almost don't have a movie that story is told in only one scene, even being in a house probably the person gonna use more than one room. So was a hard processing even for a computer, all the time that we make a change is more information in the file, I think that was a computer potent like an ethernet, type the equivalent to 20 computer of the heavy ones, more dense memory, more power for processing, we cut we replace, we make that effects, we edit sound, all that editing in only one file, is a huge file, had computer that bug with big files, isn't the case was a potent computer, quality of the video could got lower? Depend of the editor the computer program that is used, the better would take a life to process a bad one would make taking not so long but with a very poor result.

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A recurring dream

 And is about my bedroom, many times I dream that I was out and when I return home my parents lend my bedroom for someone sleep, always are kids, but I got worried because my wardrobe hadn't lock, so is there to be inspect, or even robber documents and money, is very realistic the dream for me, I got so worrie that I think that I would not sleep all night, the last one I was so upset that I went a place that people that doesn't want sleep went to sit and drink had those places in dreams, before went I see the kids in my bedroom had mattress even on the floor, was small kids but what monster faces that time, I though those ones are honest but probably they would destroy my papers, kin chew them, so in the place of who isn't sleeping, there was in a table a young guy that appear a director, I was thinking that I would abuse a bit of the politiness and complain my life, I never was so bandida BUT! He was sit with another man but I just had to monpolise control him and the other would fly to another place try find a lady, if they want passes the time each other what they would be doing in that places, he had a placid face, he wasn't the other kind of man, we have to be careful, placid men, walk with others because they had friends and not becuase they abouse of women. I read thought that men doesn't like listen about the life of the ladies I think a good reason to choose with who sit, and he listen all the upsetting story, when I just had turn all that story I was to return like Heaven was calling, I was again sleeping in my bed, was type 3 hours and I was returned again to the bar, and he said that he had passed the day with me and he wanted passes the night with me, I just listen that and return to sleep in my bedroom, when was morining I was wakeup, and I realise that the room that was lend was looklike a bedroom of an older apartment that me and my parents lived before, so wasn't my bedroom.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

What is better the perspectives of 3 days vacation

Could be the name holyday, is basically the weekend, some people live less than 4 hours travel road of a good Hotel, and passes the weekend in a Hotel, type Mountain Hotel of Beach Hotel, I think that the person wanted the oprnion of my mother, she used to say that 3 days saturday, sunday, monday is a shit because in the monday you are in a abandon Hotel, but some parameters, could be 3 days beginning in the friday, got the road in the morning and reach before the lunch hour, is that had hotels that breakfast is one of the best part, and had a lot of hotel that the breakfast is included in the daily hotel rate. But depend of what hour you start the travel can even reach the breakfast, had some hotels that dure till the 10 hour, and than they start to fix to the lunch. But and who like the breakfast, if wanted a more one day of breakfast in the Hotel would exactly pay more one day daily to got the breakfast and got the road back in the morning after the breakfast, isn't just economic but convenience and luxury. Could be a family travel or a couple. And is a travel that is out of the vacations, in any party of the year, without an airplane fly, and is so good as depending if had good hotels in your State, for hotels also is very convenient, they don't have to be almost close in the other part of the year, keeping it working, with the team of workers in good order, making money, that could even be a solution for other kind of event, like an encounter of work of a team of a intelectual workers, to be near in the weekend making a job that is out of the normality, type a big party, people near each other with the meals hours in proximity, people even can take the family with just to don't be far from the family, some anual event consume extra hours of some interprises, of course that is depend of the size of the company, the values involved, if all is small, small company, low lucrativity, all is made with the lowest spent of money.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Saturday, July 27, 2024

People asked I answer

 People asked me why a TV station pay for some material that the common people use, one but not the most important because they had profit, or they receive a month's payment of subscriber or they had advertisers, but had one that isn't moral shall lala profit, but had that they pay to don't need make the credit attribution type royalty free, so had its benefits. Some songs are very ambiental, and some effect they need be well recorded but they don't have that personality, type footsteps, need be a good sound file, but authorship? Is just a product wish-wash.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Father is father

 We sometimes remember things that are in so in the beginning, so father is Father just had the more inteligente, when I was a small kid, I was in the arm of my father and we was seeing a house made of concrete, very arctetonic, was a arctect that doesn't destroy the flora around, was preserved like the house grow in a wood, very interesting, I say to my father that I wanted to went to the bathroom to pass and he said that I could piss, we got pissed, was a solution, my mother said that I went of dippers before the 1st year, I sat I passed to use the pot for 👶. The other father his girl se agaxou to piss.

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Some of the imported nail enamel I bought


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Had two types one is the healthy one that is peelable and the other UV light, the peable you don't need acetone.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Nail enamel light yellow


Two hands against a garden background
My hands and the background: 
Photo by <a href="">Stockcake</a>
Three fingers painted the nails of yellow

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

And what is

 God had those number of sons and each had 7 sons and more one, perfection, maybe in one place had perfection.

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This is impossible

 That priest lying for his superior, and thinking that he coul comand to the demon inside him to leave, van is your certain, the superior if he be fooled by you he is powerless against the dmeon that inhabit you, sometimes the priest are really beatting the possessed girl, because he really doesn' think that she is good, or the dmeon would not find a country, what is the demon find a country, is that he is winning very much?

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Nobodies uses that way a person

 What is cockroaches in the church? Someone care to answer us, is the eyes be at the service of the demon. When you thinking in use a person remember that demon is that kind of master? Look your body! Remember that you came for the cure! So you don't remember what is that? Is that the church that is losing is your body, so he sometimes invades your body and it of the ...., calm down don't cry so much, the women of the demon be in that place with animals, so isn't that bad! So you now want your soul, see if you let your soul went away, big mistake who date animals was the body.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Dolena asked to me, like the fancy name I invented?

 So she asked what mean the silver man said to her in the end that today I am your friend, he said that because th eone of that poor house straw, went away thinking that he cn't receive the present because this was he be another person and not himself, she didn't like because she would never would refuse a present and he refuse one! So she stoped of respec the friend that had leave, and the silver man look on her face and sai that today he was his friend, was means that during all the journey he wasn't, that he only respect her because she was in the company of a man.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

What the sin

 Of give the wrong name for the saint things, or give the saint things to the unsaint things, I see a priest of robber to his mother, what is that? I soul of one of the characters of end of the World, he born again, whatever it is today want give testimony? Why not confess? Because he confessed, he would came to say what it find of the justice of God.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

He works for the d...

 Is that furgão of evil, and God can I call car a person that cross the Ocean to Europe with 10 demons or any number inside to they be in more saint soil? Yes! And God furgão is a car, furgão is van? Yes! Is important know from the furgão of evil what name of car he wanted to be named? No! I remember that Go promess a lot of think but He didn't promess that when J... knew the furgão if the furgão be man and J... woman the furgão would respect.

And there is go, when came the word that furgão that do the work of the demon, kill the word with his lies, when came the word he is the torn, remember that had torn even in the head of Jesus so the torn is what suffocate Jesus, and came that she and asks more and more and more things of the word to suffocate the word of Jesus, and when the furgão of evil, pursuit me to I got of the air he do the work of the demon, he is the demon saying that I wasn't correct is fruit loops and not froot loops, a headache I am having to care about that when I do all in this blog, do I have time to research and write when I do that by myself?

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I see with those ears

 I listen and I realise that priest serves the demon and not the Church, and fits to that priest Jesus said and is in the Bible, nobody serve two masters one it would love and the other hate, if I know about the demon hated by the other demon, they had sex, if I remember right the demon probably sometimes call him son! Once my guide said, he got mad with me, he said the New Testament is the only part need to know to defeat the demon, I said this is so few? So shallow the demon don't you think? Is that priest repeating how was his God what the ignorant demon says! The demon is stupid, that priest if repeat isn't no more the ignorant man that lived in a backyard but HE! But no, know why the priest is saint? Because nobody saw his body to testimony, the marks of the demon in his body.

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The backlog and the ignorance

 Had one movie that the guides said that was based on Jesus, but the guide didn't want that I see, he used to though that the messages could make my judgment, he had saw, if was wrong was two defeated, he could be fooled, I passes front th eTV what I saw don't make me want to see, porquisse, burrice, tolice in one slap of scene, I had only one doubt, why a ugly woman with a big chin, a lesbian? Is that Jesus a man that is only the clothes that fool by the appearance, the woman is so ugly that people confuse Jesus with a man? And where the "", the pals? Who are them? The pals to adventure?

Woman don't receive that way God help, see the Wizard of Oz, Dorothy had the best, the 1st friend was a person that was carrying for her safety, he was there to the others see a friend and not a female, if he didn't came first on't you think that th others could have disrespected her in place of be his friends?

Who people fool? A person in the woods, is so easy be a criminal hide from the police. Live in the nature could be a so violent or so violented person... This is true the scarecrow she find almost in the limiar of the humanity, she was got deeper and deeper of the woods, he is in the field of a farm, this is human.

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I gonna read the Apocalipses

 I didn't see the priest but he is one of the Apocalises, had the prophet the priest, I find one!!! And even didn't see him, and would have the religion of the demon, he is in a regular religion, Jesus of the otherside hem??? For who is gave to much is charged more? Who had more of the Jesus religion than a priest?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Thursday, July 25, 2024

If had something else about the dream

 Had that after I dream and wake up I remember how I was seeing at that moment, I don't know the name of that, so was a memory of the dream, but like my head making more full, and if was only product of my imagination? Was concomitant with the dream that part. So was that representation of cupidos, with rock arrow and bows, I imagine that I saw more then one, and the grimace was of evil. See all the dream was like to fool me.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Consuption a new product


I eat matinal oat, I like Nescau, and other, eat like a snack people passes the day eating cookies I eat like cookies. This one not but some are made only of corn for can't eat wheat.

Taste good, and of a size of a small cooky, and people can got morning cereal and do chocolate rocks, I was thinking in buy ruby cacao to make some with froot loops, I like that very much, how do chocolate rocks, you don't even need the mold, is just smelt the chocolate put the cereal, this of boxes, mix and put in a silk paper, that ones for culinary use, or in aluminium foil, put in the freezer till got hard, put the paper in a tray to move of one place to another, the foil is to you got the chocolate pealing the paper, if the person don't use the chocolate got glue in the surface and you have to scrap.
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A dream that make me fell suspicious

 Because the dream, catch me by my taste, show me what I like, how was made to make me like, show how I pretend things but not how they were, like an old paint, bu to the dream that was even short.

And was that I was in garden that appear like another planet of so perfect, perfect plants, a garden that had that, had people when do garden to that, put rocks to people walk on them, because earth could be soft and you deep the feet, but isn't a road, is just rocks at the distance of the next step of the other, so I was there with other people of my own age, and we had to cross the garden running, the soil was covered with grass in the end that we run a big garden that only was plants for all the sides, like big estates that could even had externals walls, they were became statues, so I reach an tower of so thin I thought that probably was inside a spiral staircase, I always thought that I wanted be the best but once being the only one that reach the tower in the middle of the garden, I thought that was even to me enter that I didn't wish what was right, that conquer with nobody else wasn't a good thing, and I went away.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

I gonna teach something very cool, and say something about be bad

I gonna teach soemthing that I learn about confectionary, I thought that was one of the best techniques, but what isn't nice, had some years that I teach something and I give the name of the professor, people I thought that I was helping her, that could be a work for her because, she was very good professor, but I think that people talked with her to ennoyng her, internet is easy you find everybody, people this is grotesque people want work, write for her to be funny or indelicate, this is a criminal.

So was of the same professor, she was very good, and by now you know that the cakes in my city are covered with a croast of galcê named marble, the name of the other royal glacê, the both with short time got dry and got hard, like a coat of sugar, had cookies expensive ones that are covered with coat of sugar because is very decorative, I use to eat one imported of nestle, for Christmas, so she used to make the arandela, the drool, this way, my grandmother do that, my mother measure in the dish and she marked with a pencil, pencil do no harm to the healthy, so in the course is that way, she also use a pencil, but she got a piece of paper, the silk paper for confectionary, kitchen use, measure the cake like the paper being a sewing measuring tape, understand repeating she got a strip of paper, my mother do that way she is economic, she got the roll make strips and attache them with the office glue tape, to don't lose a lot of paper, so you got the roll of silk paper and make with a scissors, tapes of paper, the enough to put around the cake like a belt, in confectionary we use a lot of clip, office glue tape, pencil, ruler, calculator, and if working calendar, to count in reverse the dates, day 7 a party, 3 days before the purchase, 2 days the confectionaring the, one day the decoraating. And if need a board to place it... Had schedule and the routine to make it, cakes are like that they need a plain surface, my grandmother used to do stock cake, a big cake would be done that way with isopor the center, and she would surrounded with cake, because had effect an is light, so about the paper tape my professor got it and fold in the long once and again and again, till got the right size for the ruffles, she didn't measure cut directly like the wave of the ruffle, and got that pattern put around the cake again like a belt, and with a pencil draw the lightly the shape of the paper, she asked to someone hold when she was doing, my mother would use a tape to hold the ends of the paper, so after is just make the ruffles with the confectionary bag and tip.

And other is make type a character of the disney like, people wanted Alice of the Wonderland, I was in other course and one pf the students said that always hire a friend that is painter to draw and paint for her, so the technique is that, is need a pencil, got a draw of the character, we print in a normal office printer, in common paper, so first she cut the character, taking out all the around that isn't the character, place in the top of the cake, with a pencil and draw direct in the cake using the edge of the paper like, making the replace for a shirt in the cloth, I also do clothes, so she use like a pattern, and after she got the character and cut out the hair, replace to match in the cake and draw the hair, take out, cut of a intelligent way, to appear mouth and draw cut to appear eyes draw in cake all the time, cut part of the draw and place in the cake to obtain more lines of the character till had all the character well drawed in the cake, is perfection, so she could use liquid glacê that was she did, or could be painting with gel painting that is food colouring, or even with glacê real with star tip like the Wilton cakes, is very beautiful, any filling technique, what is filling, she used glacê liquid with black ink to make make a draw with black line, was beautiful.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

One day people went fter me

 And said that woul give me a very important incarnation for an American because I was sought, and one of very meritous was of carcereiro - warder, who is really American is one of the most important spiritual elevation, is the only weapon against sin of theAmerican, so isn't for there that beautiful name, for a white American is carcereiro and not Angel.

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See the relgion of USA that I was diferent of Catholic

The invite of the Catholicism is universal, the Judaism was give water but we can't open the tap, so for the judaism Catholicism was to be for ever, and for the who is Arab isn't to be, they charged us because they wanted religion.

When I was of a strong religion in USA, the invitation was personal, so isn't enough you got inside one church because the door was open, you had to talk with the community, was more lookalike an brotherhood but extensively for the family. So when because there we understand each other and the luck of the next is very important for us, we are there to our salvation, so we are caring of a personal very important subject, so we didn't like who went there to lose us. And there had the hours, at the after midnight one hours was of the teenagers, I was the priest I was a teenager son of the priest of the other hours.

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More one about violence

 And probably because traffic of humans for prostitution is one of the worst kinds of violence, there are the other included, murder, revenge, accident, violence against the family of the victim, drug smuggling... So my guide was saying that is that is that, I think that is the global information passing of a bad intentioned way, I already said that, the classes of victims, people that are a foreign country, what that my guide said, that is known by internet by the social media, the reasons are type hate, about things so ethereal, is a person superficial, say lies about be daughter of a famous person, a completely fake personality, be a poor with a moral life showing richness, I think the reasons are pretty morals, sometimes the person isn't a follower but was something very shared, sometimes the profile is really followed for the kidnapper, sometimes was shared with them, in the most case are stupid women. Like being the will of God, don't bother me, I don't care about anything a said, all the information about crimes had to be shared, no matters if people that are prostitutte and of so rameira make with old women to make money, so don't hate me for that kind of bad life, the most of people that hate me is women that make sex with old women to make money, so sut up don't bother me, what was to I say? That those people wasn't kidnapped? That wasn't international? That they didn't knew the kidnapper? That they know them by the social media, that is used the internet? That the reason isn't hate?

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Another about crimes

 When that God, you didn't see the face, don't ask a description about his face. About the others, be coward is so detrimental for the soul, that is all that revolted souls because had a lives of cowardness, so the courage against God is infinite because is a soul with no validity!!! Could the job be made for other, but this doesn't make a soul viable.

So when that guy asks for people from Brazil to travel, and was to Europe, wasn't for me missing money or laziness was that, also had that had the bonitinhas of Brazil, he arrange a no charge travel, in a boat that had a lot of prostitution, wasn't of airplane, had other, the guy isn't European and is of helicopter, and th person would passes 3 days in the target city in a Hotel, making sex to pay the travel, Oh que bonitinha tudo é de graça pra ela. So he said to me that I didn't travel at that time because the Europe the kidnap and prostittution was high at that time, escrava branca, Ok what that name in other language, white slave in my city is the traffic of women to prostitution that the ONU fight against.

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And have crimes my guide said

 Is one, was a lot of stories, she told a lot of Hoolywood, I am thinking that she live there, a city of full of people, a lot of she, she was saying today and remember all the track of the stories I am guessing is there, a mad man that dream with clothes for mutilated with cloth arm, something not dangerous, unless... see if he is that disgusting thing, foresee... for he, that I didn't guess that like crimes, legs are more important, see that animals like to see ugly things with more human, despises people, he can do a arm in a movie with special effect, and he is defeating, he say for the victim his fantasies for movies, a miracle for cockroaches disappear a arm an there is a arm, because had FX in movies.

Is that I was talking with him, that I had empathy for who passes by an accident and that is very sad, he said lose a arm I said this is very important for anybody, a arm is much important than a leg, a leg you got a piece of log and walk, and he said that a cloth arm was a good substitution, he wasn't being human!!!

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

What I gonna buy in some in future to see if works

 And is that thermal UV nail enamel, and also fake nails, because use thermal nail enamel my intention isn't that the change because I passes cold to hot but because near the nail bed is hot the human body is 37,5° and the temperature of my city 24-27°C, so with long fake nails near the nail bed would be near the 40°C that is the most hot and far in the fake nail point would be 24-27°C so had the enough to be with degradê, but gonna works, when I tried I say!

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim



Today an not tomorrow

 This isn't God, see today I am in Brazil, listening what is be saying inside the hole ground? You don't understand woman, I am saying that for who is prostitute and got in the hole ground, who listen are demoniac souls from Brazil, probably was 2000 years of old demoniac women getting there to reply for you, we only knows for where goes the lost mail when we are sent to there, the sin is big demons from Brazil came to who went there to make their mischieves, I am listen because I am in the land of the demons! So demons listen that woman, demons went after you, que velhas cascarotes and you talking bad about Saint Mary, and so I say that had velhas cascarotes, I didn't sin against Saint Mary or against the Jesus cross, the demon are with YOU. I ofend the velhas cascarotes, I didn't sin against the Saint Mary asks for the velhas cascarotes what they do with women that talk against Saint Mary. That demons from Brazuil only uses who enter in that soil, they rape and would not pay!!!

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

And we smashed

 By the impatience of a, one of the Inquisitions, what the name they call the woman that was with priest inside the most elevated Church, was type she was called prostitute? So we are smashed by the impatience of a prostitute that enter in churches to talk with priests, and the priests say that was the Mother? But is a woman that hide got inside, so the demon chase the priest and he loses that even Jesus and Marie can save the priest that take a innocent woman to do that crimes because only to be there she is a prostitute, Oh say Jesus are the servant of the priest that isn't true because He is obeying? Who obbey WHO? Wha the difference of cancelado of falido?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

That could mean

 I don't remember if is in the Bible but is write that one day Jesus, could be Church speech, that Jesus would return and He would be came in a cloud to his feet don't got contaminated with the sin, so a clothing against contamination, for full isolation, isn't Jesus? The astronaut?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I'm going to drag myself through the mud for this one

 About the guide, is that he sometimes, when is the female, she tell even what she really doubt. So if say all she says I would say shit, she don't care about my credibility to the others, she isn't God or Jesus to someone had faith on her, I would say that in people like her is trust. So I say some easy things others that I didn't believe I didn't want to say, I only say partial, she thinks that way that she one day give a prove that she be saint thing, that isn't even a tiny miracle, so what she said that the more controversy singer that I saw was a priest, before! What I was thinking before, that he worked for a recorder, and he worked for the demon, and the demon was using him to his epopeia, the demon need be critics of himself and write the songs for a performist, that was really Maria Jesus mother, but was because the agent was the demon, I think that if he was priest that he received the information but not instruction, is like head and heart live isolated, he is dreaming with the holy Mother and even doesn't know, so there bad received was a hypnosis.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Say to the lady that is a crime

 You are form Americas you aren't from Europe, you don't know what the singer means, probably nothing, in my city Euroepans women are type the elegance and not the women from USA, see probably in her country ladies uses boots, you can't say that nasty things about the use of that she is different for you, but in his country probably boots are very used, she is only using something that in her country is elegance and not sexy.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Doesn't had criminality

 Had persons that had propensity to the violence and they give a reason for that. People say that see God, others that they follow the demon.

Had a music that I didn't show two that I show the meaning was that they was talking about condenm persons and not about God or about the demon. Probably if something is going wrong in the outer Universe or Cosmos, the people that is under got mad, so what happen so far is influencing even to leave not in surface, people can't just hide in the underground to don't fell that horrid torrence of violence that came from the Cosmos, probably I gonna be more hated of say Universe then say angels, and I don't like that!

About the song that I didn't show people I listen that people understand something different that I saw! What I listen what I saw, first this after that question, about if I was weird, so I listen that the music say to rise against God, I understand other thing, I understand that the demon would govern and rise against the demon, imagine that one follower betryl him and use his music to his insanity, is that way the demon is among YOUUUUUUUU.

If I was weird maybe is my side devilish, I had tara but is for grow woman, want fuck a woman dressed like one, but I was a man, I don't know why the madness but I already wanted.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Monday, July 22, 2024

At least I was good and did the well

 Pelo menos eu fui bom e fiz o bem. I was almost diabolical in love for myself, had girls that fall in that! If she convince me that she deserve I would came after her, she was lost so she only dreamed with me, I was a good boy, and save her of the rest of a life of lost, se we are diferent brother demon! I had to say about other face that I had that isn't that handsome, but I can't give it away! Because everybody sees tha tis a boy that like study, after lives I want less parties and more nights studing and people only need see my face.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

This is incredible

 See that I don't know the name of my guide? Don't see tha the guardian didn't had a name and I named him guardian, how someone supposes that I wirte exactly for dee. I am the best narrator, htis give me more attention of the high souls, because people don't know tell stories with don't know the name, don't see the face, so why the guide would went to a house of a bitch that want know his age his era his name his face, is the Bible, and he was thru against the floor to don't the the angel face but see that he had a pencil and a notebook.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Jesus can't be this

 That guy was so much sin that had a lot of souls that, was sleeping because didn't need to know his Era. The antitese of Jesus? Even the demons are Catholics and like the Jesus. Is that we only need born if we were so human at the point of believe on him, if the temptation hadn't for that class we are let where we wanted. He said that came to they be free, the debauchery - devassidão. Freedom? Of the concern about eternity of the soul? Freedom of the respect of the opinion of thy neighbour (what poor name - seu próximo there more better) - "love your neighbor as yourself."

So he came without that commandment to be a Jesus, Jesus said all the 10 commandments can be resume by - Love God above all, and love your neighbor as yourself. So he was an Anticrists and millions follow him.

And one of his followers betrayl him! He to the others said that the freedom had to be completely! So they had the right of use what so even to th eown satisfaction, kidnap and orgias of very small kids, because they would not know understand or have choice, if was really inocents. And in the end he give his body to his followers was be sexual abused for all them, I didn't understand, also is demon defect souls that miss some internal organs, one that is missing can have a function for the soul.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Elegance that way is stupid

 See had the elegant, makeup, clothes, lipstick, nail enamel, but all day the same, during all day even in the grocery store? Is like a uniform, is had people that are poor of so stupid that think she is elegant so she would dress... the lipstick... the nail enamel... the shoe... you gonna think the lady is elegant if even a person can predict the outfit? Elegant people are predictable elegance is predictable?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Was in a book that I like

 The abyss - "O Abismo" feathers and scales are protection in the abyss, is that the Abyss is a ferocious place, of rudeza.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Had that

 The story about the sister that went with perdidos, what was missing the charity caridade is more appropriate if don't take the boyfriend out of the vice of the alcohol is a sin imagine see a boyfriend make sex with men until got unconscious, she didn't had charity, no matters his religion in USA of that time was the normal she take him to her religion to he got knew Jesus, don't be so apprehensive about say Jesus is had a religion and passes of be good with itself l.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

When the person is luck

 The job look for her, this is another countries, people of Brazil don't have empathy to be nice. Here is so far from other places that distance is like planet.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Fundamental truth

 Is like one that is know for the demon since the pre-history, and he keep recall like the iron era the rock era, so if there the book could had a travel, like not who was the king that invented the miserycord because he was a good but what was does means, that the heart was the miseryCORD and people that was bad would give doles for the misery of that woman. Maybe had primitives Gods had some and they rule. If isn't that you gonna see the demon age he had thousands of years just to remember what? My guide told me a lot of stories and was a bunch primitive.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Make that recepi have no contamination

 And is about the flies worms, tapurú, and is that way the person uses meat in a pot, covered with a thin cloth to the flies but the eggs, so had no contamination what so ever, use the cloth in the cheese, had people that said that is good fried the tapurú.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Well had about truth

 Had many fundamental truth and they doesn't answer the question that the person seek, when that spirit receives that promess see what the problem of who was after the door he lied, and the person wasn't alive each body receive a cent of the soul so he died and the process was a lie he today conclude that was a demon and not God, 

had the demon that is justíssimo, and is one that the ass don't pass a finger, that could got spiritually in Heaven or Church he used the own Catholicism against the priests and won when the priests doesn't understand that he used wrongly the commandments, so he is a demon that cheat a lot.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Bit of Heaven of Hell

 I remember something about that guy, that explain some stories about arms and legs. One day that was in the begining, I listen a conversation with another soul, the story was that one of the souls that talk with him, I think she travel very much and if she is rich and thinks that is poor? She isn't from Ceará and see her some times passes, she kind of bit burn to say that he was right of thinks that he need a small kid she was that bad, she thinkin that the kid would be she he thinking in something like 6 or less and she over 10, she wasn't paying so much atention wasn't she what she was plaining, I look her spiritual what barrel I want see a bit more him, to see how was his soul, you know in the deep under the perispirito that is what people think about us, he represent that guy to people see a beautiful person, but say if he isn't a demon, I just remember what he is, a repulsive insect, a cockroach black that lose 2 arms of croacoach and one leg of cockroach, cockroach had wings and jump in people to make them got afraid. He was talking about him, I said so you had a torrid romance with a married man and finished when you was with 6 years old, you are a old rag.

And about heaven, let me say that what save my cousins was they with pitty of they see each other dead, remember of return 3 days and got they also their demon brother and let they down in hell, in the day that God see they dead, I didn't see, I said that all the hearts are late and mine was early, because I didn't need see one borther molested to be sleeping to have pitty and got my brothers and let they there in a save place,  the others was being cruels with the demoniac becuase they after see a borther molested got revolted and only thoguht in the own brother molested, God said that everybody had 6 brothers to put down there and one more borther that was the diabolic, I said to God didn't I return even think that there was save?

And one more, people asking that he with two less cockroach arms he work less, he so prepotent , giving oreders for the others had someone that see he got in the hard work? Think in a person that think tha people can receive a payment without work! The fly of a cockroach, they are terrible people got afraid of them, they are a menance to humanity with they deseases they could kill us, even the blood spit they can make we got ill. Very dangerous souls, DEMONS for sure! He running to jump in one! Is missing a leg, how he do?

And I was remembering about my another life that my borther was albino, and he was saying that the demn had a third breast, I was thinking funny, he leting appear the tail, we were in a circle of friends, I asked and is milk? He said that the demon was creative was piss, I asked for someone of religion African sometimes I was meditating like my mother taught me, my father was of another religion, where is the leg of the demon? In the head, where is the arms? under the chin and the other in the place of the other, people I listen that the demon, once didn't kill a person because he was a normal body, but he got all mixed at evolution of his violence, so he wasn't that fast he was all descompose, so returning where is the ass of the demon? under the arm that is in the place of the other arm, and I asked and the dick was the only thing that until today people didn't knew where was?

And all my thoughts about the last day a afraid of take that leader, he asked me what would make me afraid of got in that door, be there after we passes the door amputation at small pieces and tomar no "O", but isn't the look of the good ones? Is better than be alone for an uncertain luck alone! The only thing that would make me be regreat is there He be killing everybody at the door and only one be torture inside there for demons that He hide forever, but you know what is haunting, is be some in the under that door got close and appear the creatures that said to me that they aren't dead they lived their evil bodies an are living after Maranhão in direction for Amazonas, women horrendous that would lve in eternal danation and the person in eternal death. So the wrong place where had only one, nobody can see thru that door. I see a soul lost a arm to passes the arm, when returned was even scarred.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Friday, July 19, 2024

That way Americas is a bad place even for the demon

 We breathe toxicity, I listen had some time, about souls, I went to a place with my family that there was spiritual cure, the problem this is a country of hate, darlings... Had people that make war to those things... The thing is so negative that who want go there? The thing is that people there ask conversion, that is stop of be Catholic to folloe the religion, so there had books, they aren't edited but just printed, the problem of the authorship is that who write, write with a help of a ghost, so is a book that authorship is psichographed by ... with the I don't remember what spirit ..., one very famous is Emanuel and another is André Luís. The books are something quite common, memories of a life that the soul got so attached to it that still from there didn't incarnated again, so the common is regular lives that happens in the past, Emanuel is very liked because he said for books of the time of Egypt and Rome I think is 3.000 years the book. This is very common, but when the soul is very important a spirit, the books say about the after death, but is a rarity, so the most is about the Limbo, Heaven I think none. About Hell I find one. And there he said that he visit the part of the hell that Dante was but he was calling abyss. 

So listen that had demons that climb in very bad shape to incarnate, so the story I was talking with his obssessora, for human doesn't have incarnated obssessores, but he is a demon and he have a incarnated obssessora, that is for souls a person that be near a person wanting all the bad for the person, drain the life making the person mad, making the person quarrel with others, confusing the person to make the person make accidents with itself or for others, like car crashes, making hte person had vices, the fact in Americas he had a mouth that he thinks that say something and is saying infernal things that is all her sexual vices that aren'r few, the woman is mad to carring him.

Sometimes I felt there that I was a bee that listen a story to carry to another place, and is that one, there in the hell, have some paranormals that can see the other side, so listen there and read in the book abyss, that who is depraveded, I don't know if have a more proper name, is in the hell in a valley of mutilated people that the desregulated sex make the person got the arms and legs rotten and lose them in that pan, so how more depraved the person had less members, are bling in that valley still making sex with what is there, a lot of women and men, all blind, she was there in better conditions, he had lives with very inteparated lives, with a lot of homosexualism and what so ever, the rest too, so she was better than a demon, what are the consequencies? He is depedent of her, and she wanting enrabar him! I was listen the story I said to her be ashamed, she frighten me, I was only saying to her that he was a miserable, that people supposes to feel pitty of him, that he need treatment, he is even shameful of so dependent of her, and he thinking that say something and are saying other things like all his dissoluteness. One of Brazil when he got the clothes out ot his mother see the lady scream his ass was a old bag. He was carried to one of that houses of cure because even liar he was, he was impossible. There he got regreat of he did with himself, he was homosexual an all the time enlarging the ass till be huge and passes to ba with women, ´rpbably old women to have that for outside.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Also had that why mulattos in that play

 The conforting names demon and angel... So the crows be mulattos, see that who is in hell, they fly, crows flies so they are more powerful souls, for a demon is be like an angel, becuase they can fly the same. So they are mulattos to say to that guy that they are powerful like angels, they are better, they are like angels they can fly.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

The city didn't sin, the king judge the paper

 Was pre-Mesopotamy civilization, I was the king I can't judge because we were out of paper! Would be the judgment of an angel, I conclude was an ingerency and not a contigency, because we were rich and the auxiliar let the papr run out.

The people brought to my presence an angel, I aske where that figure came fall from above, was disapointing, was a woman, I thought that angels was males, don't matter of what race, was short I thought that angels was oves 3 meters, had the tool that measure, don't need bring I see from I am that she is shorter than our race, no wings! When I said to bring the paper becuase the king would started his mister, we were out of paper, I would ask who was the king that lived there in the skies, at that time if wasn't Heaven but just skies could even a demon, but could be only ONE! I also would ask if there they had a army, but where was the paper to be write? And of course would start only that tests the intelligence of the angel, but without paper, why asks the study men of my palace, they were all employees of the king, we were a bit belic, so I said that went away and never return, because you show to my people something very inferior, people wanted to kill they all in the middle of the city, if you return your luck would be the population had permission of do what they want, and my word is given and any of the person that listen could givetestemony that the population can do what they want meaning that isn't necessary a second judgment, done baned at that moment, run out of my city!

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Thursday, July 18, 2024

You are saying that the saint

 Visit all the gods that is already a problem, he is confessing he don't believe in only one, but he went there to say they being part that are women be prostitutes, to run in plac eof 1000km run 5000km he was there to destroy them, for sure he believe in only one and went there to kill them, for sure.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Eat that!

 Before that Godess, she is Godess she don't make even a flame dance, I said about I saw when I born a book and I was inside God, one brother born of the side of a chair, he thought that was because when he was exhausted had a chair to sit, so the book nobody write, is at the side of God heart! Right where when He got mad, with me he make me run by the arm vein, appear like a rocket car, I say to Pa that I am running to He doesn't knows that is fun! So I stops in the heart in that rocket car I don't know what that car maybe a blood cell? God have a rotten heart, if you think He like me more! He said once that was a vagina, that his ear was pussies, that had a hole in the middle of the forehead, so I don't see love in any place of that place, so in the house of the Godess she said that she keep the acknoledge in the bathroom, that the book is her more than respectful shit, that when she shits, she passes her inteligence for that so do yuo, do you, DO YOU want eat that shit, had some Godess that appear that they are those women of easy life, of the life mole, eat a prostitute SHIT? How people gonna know what shit to eat, I had a clue you had to eat all the shit you find in that bathroom.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

My guide said that about that famous

 That he travel from the past to the future MichelAngelo, and the travel was aliens that do that for him and he didn't acquive return and was like a disease and he becames ropes in the top a beautiful chapel that ropes are his soul, if he in the end of 400 years don't return for his spiritual form he can had the soul destroied and the soul is so clean, is that aliens are sinner against the own eternity in the end of the eras they can had destroied, see the animals are here the others are very bad souls that aren't eternal because they do evil things that could destroy a soul, they don't care, probably the are shocking evil, don't you think? I prefer wait the end of the eras, becuase if they are deads they were the worse thing in the space, wasn't worth a pitty know so bad people.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

A saint that do that, but was he

 He went to travel with the Jacket to another planets, make piece for the bigger Saint, the emissary that went to acknowledge, sometimes I thought that he supposes to write more one chapter of the saint books that had live in anothe rplanets, he didn't do it, so he is mad... A mad that wanted to be very importnat for the humanity, I never travel to there anymore, he said that had rape, my guide said that had a part in the Bible that say that had violence in the reign of Heaven, other day I gonna read my Bible, the guy said that the rape in Hell is open the eye and in the Hell open the infinity, try discover what does means, my guide said is just very scandalous, but ask what is the diference of the rape of hell and Heaven.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I thought was that

 Probably for me if the Kingdom above had one king but if the Son isn't there is the same of not have, have people that had family where the kingdoms are many and I had my race, I know I can say that if the King of all the kings are mad because withou tthe son He lose the govern I don't need be there, a person that erase all the believes, make all plan but rule and everybody had to turn left at the same time, we under the same law, we had our govern we don't need we are that pelado, had the pelados but were not we, the son went away all the pelados are mad. Have who like everything are sin and the forgiviness is infinite, good grave, that is the kingdom. People under that name sinner, in the church we say that at the  time that we know speak. That we are sinner because our mother is Eve, is heresy disagree!? So we are sinner if we receive that flesh body.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

They say what was in the letter people thought was figurative

 That death could be for eternal, that is diferent of forever, that the demon was our father, that the blood was impure that wash the step ladder with blood, that in a reign is taken, that had rats runing in the sacred places, that the son had went away abandon the father, that his steps was erased, that the head was decapted, that the body was taken. 

But returning to someting recent, that image in the mirror in 2 musics one I didn't show is the soul, in one was a way of vampire see himself, in the other the king see a kid and aren't asking the cepter but his soul back, and the kid walking is his soul walking for what we call the forests of our souls, memories of what he did?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Also had that!

I didn't choose my name be that! We brother and cousins worked like a brain, but not with all that had in that room we were young and defending us, I think that we were the weak link of the chain, had pitty and that horrible place could be yours. Demons was the ones that we let in the Hell sleeping because causes sleep don't understand the fragility of the own life, there is a place of pain but isn't for you if you are right! So we wake up each other, our father Saint ones in another level Heaven, so sometimes I think I bet the life in the underground is better. I had mothers there! 

And was thatcam in my mailing what was the music of when I was the singer that came from Africa, in the beggining of my carrer was sad songs, like I run from home, I am lost in the world, I need a family, I felt abandon far rfom my parents, people  said that was violent and hadn't nothing with that, if I think one thing and sang other was becuase I had a foot cancelled but Inever complain, I hated the letter the songs was good, but the best type of demon my foot was clay, one day my foot could trap me in hell, I was a man that went to much wars, I loved violence. Had wolves that eat the claw to escape, my manger could play green with me but I never show, ha said to me that people was like that, feel pitty for the young singer and want to marry the poor girl, so the lirics was to make people felt pitty of me. 

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

People said that, is that true?

You know what the shit of had be an angel, is that I saw the future we hold that name for some years,and the future are what? We construct crystal castle for what kind of people? We were only in the first 5 minute of a week, who said I wanted? I was the one that didn't like, that name would passes for a lot of types of persons, we give a fame of masculinity of goodness, I could be that good wit another name of that were for us in the end, we function like a brain, we were mix with other creatures that came of worse part of humanity, under that name was nation of people and was that God gave that name for dammed people, they were there! But their lives hide of so dirty.

To the next article!

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

A good recipe with with frozen vegetables

Of a very easy way to do, an is omelete of spinach, and the way of to do, I buy frozen and came in portions very pratical, I put for one egg one portion, I like not very shred, I put in a 500ml glass measuring cup with a little of water, the enough to when ends the spinach be without water but not dry , and cook in the microwave for 6 minutes, is better in the micorwave because in a pan the spinach is a block so gonna cook the center later than the outside and isn't that good, because have cook with badly cook leaves, no need put salt to cook the spinach, after bake in the microwave, you gona put in a cup the egg and mix with a fork, salt or even better fondor, and parmesian cheese, after a good whysk you pass the spinach to the cup with the egg beated and mix them and put in a fry pan with butter, but don't need very much type a coffee spoon in a terfal pan, and fry for the both sides, appear not but is delicious, is that I love spinach guiche and is egg and cheese the more relevant flavour that you gonna feel, worth a pitty do, and you gona include of a easy way spinach, in you diet, and frozen how pratical is, no cleaning vegetals, no spent of water with that task, and you don't need cut, you don't gonna have problem with you don't know choose vegetals in the market, and in the freeze shelve if you don't use in a short time gonna spoil, you go to the market in 5 minutes done, to make less than 10 minutes done!

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I gona say why that devilish doesn' t like me

 Had in hell orgias, and he liked and I even being also man I didn't went to one. Had that in Heaven and also I never went to one. There are even worse people appear be blind, I even didn't like to see, I watch all the violence the judgment, but the orgias I don't want even see. Had the evil ones that one person is bring and used for everybody, there is a place of high violences. We only could be next God if we understand that one day He would be bad, but very bad! A demon can die of see the worse of God, and even have worse, that name of angel also is for who could keep secrets, angels were secret keepers, the sex isn't really for us. Horrible things like the worse shit, the appearance is of shit don't want to see their faces!!!! Is a sin that is paid with eternal death, sometimes we are saying that we see all that happens in that room to He see that we are the elevate and don't treat us badly. Who want see the face of the scandal? If the name is scandal imagine that is horridy. In the way to glory ask to that people tha tgive uo before the death if the ass and the pussy doesn't open infinetelly, if a weird thing there pu laughthing because is he and everybody, but the person isn't to understand.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

From where came that hate for the other

 Is that forgiviness wasn't cheap, that other life victim made the otehr make violent things to his person, was so much prostitution that the way his soul got he doesn't want anymore his soul. The cheap forgiviness is expensive, is like the own soul? And that poverty, I say, that had many things about souls, lost ones, probably had answers about to evil person but pal isn't me that would discover the secret of the lost souls, see we got to dive down to got know, and I would never dive that down, see your problem? Noboy had the answer! And have who lost very much the soul! See I went talk with good souls that even very lost, and thinking that where they are they agree to answer to me for the good of another person but they aren't that misery, those answer serve, of course no! Is about souls with much better situation, so people that think that the fall was rotten till die, had the goodness of want that his example of life help another person to don't be so down. Even that victim, that I knew kind of I said for a sister of another life that she had to stop to be with people that are losing the soul, is that she like man and also see he dead. He travel in the sex with the fantasies that would revenge of all the way his algoz, he was a soul in delirious, had that delirious is accept, came in my mailing what is dream for a soul I really don't know and was there that dream is ridiculous for a soul because the soul would stop of see the true and the dream is a thing that replace the real facts, is what is give to replace the memories, this for a soul, a soul don't understand like a dream, is that is happens =one thing bad and the soul thinks that was other thing ears for souls are something diferent, the souls listen poorly, the ears aren't to listen, so wha ta soul think is almot what listen is dificult lie to a soul I think.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

What does means

 Had movies of horror that the story the evil came from a pregnancy of a woman, how they being very dangerous, I had that to think that story is imaginative that the person want a woman t omuch powerful and this is weakness, show bad character, of invent woman, that are Hulks that are strong like a monster, in my mind who manage that way had resentment and want to see the power in the hands that aren't natural, in the hands of the week sex the woman, I think that show the depths of the soulf of who write, showing the envy, the hate, the stupidity, the violence want a woman strong, if had places of Americas that this is decent because had the bullies and people want to see them pay is another story I even would say that I on't know that places, and I don't want to know, an at last if a person think that can change the world with a movie, at least the ones that I saw hadn't the right approach, once I wanted to know about a director that I had to spiritually listen him why he did the things and he thinks that he wanted to change the world I said to him that he collect 10% to his religion at least, I wasn't seeing he make donations, come on you have money don't, you didn't collect and put the trash put just making a movie of you doing, was that I sai to him, that he never did nothing he only make movies of people helping each other, how that resolves any problem, see you are ridiculous, you don't do nothing.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Had that? People have to be paranoic in hell

 When a person carries another soul had to had a pocket to put it in or could became that soul, all the lost are worse souls, probably all the worse souls are lost, so much details, this is a failure, nobody is decent when always is returning to the same point forever, because never learn, old donkey is something bad, carries other pains, what silly thing, my Heavens look me here again answering things that stupids, paranoia people had this kind of concerning, esquizofrenic people got save how in the end of the world? People a sinner can save its soul by the effort of other? Is sequizofreny think that can save a soul that aren't regret of 1st have sin a lot, 2nd of have sell the soul, 3rd had felt envy, 4th return to sin, 5th think that its sins are forgivable, the person want to live eternally sinning destroying people, if the life this person had was to destroy its soul imagine the evil that came after to save that evil human, making sins even bigger, just more sins an more sins. That sinner say people don'y understand its I understand it isn't sorrow and want never stop of make evil to the others calling the shadow demon, it can do the evil and want kill a demon just because had one in any place.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Had things that enter for the Bible and have what isn't there

 Is in the Bible who is bad take bad things of the treasures that are in its heart, who is good take good things of the treasure of his heart.

I think that is cool and isn't there empty head workshop of the demon.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

But just why?

 If have a one blind eye looking, why this music isn't talking about Maria Bonita a Lampião? She was beautiful.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

The meaning of that music

 Means that if once in the hell, you could scape if one day of yourlife you was in that beach, like is a travel that you need to do, if this way you gonna remember that beach and be transported I odn't know if teletransported out of the hell for that beach, I didn't show because had people that make pupu for less scary videos, that the people gonna make pupu of so afraid.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

That he... is against the evangelisto so is a small one

 Jesus wasn't crucified for be a disorder but because He sent His apostles got corn in a field and didn't paid for the owner and He was crucified for the robber of a cornfield! So that one passes?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

That means that

 God do the good when He doesn't understand or even?!, so even if He was bad He would make a good planet.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Powerful but without a name

In the other side what can save can kill, here in the plan of the incarnated what kills can save, like poison of snake made antidote, but of the other side to much glory can kill because come faster than the virtuos life, I never thought had being a man with a lot of women that I would be virtuous, but I was, that demon that wanted to be Jesus that I pushed him to the excrement was travelling to much glory without the virtuous life, he wanted die, because death could means know before die the glory, I push him down to he don't die.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I gonna say a story that is a sin say is truth

 We need a Heresy? So we need the technocrats, the books never was that important because they are dangerous, we never know fo who they are write, we think something and the future is uncertain.

Jesus before be enter to the Romans, he assume the name of Peter and passes the name Jesus to a follower that aren't cited in the Bible, because the Saint Church need Jesus alive to write what would be the church.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Other dream that I already told here the conventry

 And was one Hell had the name conventry but all I saw was the patio of the convent, had lapides - tombstone, and was tall. I see priests could be how the demons of that hell were there, I thought that I need come out of there, but any direction that I went tcame infinite like the place I walk before, and the dmeons of there was watching me, I start to run in all directions to came out, jumping over graves that were small white stones appeared were painted with cal - lime, I was running in circle.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I finishe that paint over a draw of the pinterest

My version.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim 

One dream that I had a long time ago with Saints and hells

 Was one dream that I write in the first years of my blog. That I was in Hell and there, the Church was stores, and I could chose in each enter by the shop window I saw the Sain Maria mother of Jesus the image the statue, was two churches with the image of Saint Maria, when I got inside one had people sit there like an circle, and I notice that one was the real Saint Mother but the other was a fake, I was hopping that I enter the right shop.

And a more recent dream, that I was in mu old school, I was exhausted because even at night I wasn't sleeping, and was day, but I notice that was night the time that I was sleeping, and where was the secretary, was there a little more lowered than the floor and was the entrace of the hell an in place of the secretary was there a alien demon saling souveniers of the Hell I thought if I notice schools was so cool I would like more be here. Becareful of enter by the kitchen of hell there had a lot of corpses.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Let me say about that laught

That man, that went under the covers to laugh and disturb the humanity, receive that for the bad paid life that was considered a witch and in a Church the push a cross on his vagina, say Jesus would never use his laugh who is at her side is a demon! A demon saying that is Jesus, was made by the Jesus church. Risada infeliz.

About the question nobody return that way for that, that was a lost soul, she loses the humanity, she doesn't see anymore the others deads, she only knows who is alive, is that she die for everybody, before the person make what she did came the call to she got with the humanity that had of the other side.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

And I asked what happens?

 Once in another life a person asked me something weird, because do weir things without know why, what for, I see that today he is paying, I didn't do, probably another person fall on his play, ask a girl to lie? Keep secrets? He didn't say what for! I thought that is a common person wanting that his girlfriend had paranormal experience, I judge that was a 8 years old kid 12 years old he is kidding. For the demon 12 years old girls aren't kid but we respect like!

So I wanted to know what happens for all that paranormal, he didn't say, had people that is that way talk with a completely unknow and think that could ask things for that sexual fantasies. What is of the other side don't need what is of the other side. I don't know what an angel need, but the demon is already and enough humanity, he can lived in another planet, an angel need very much the humanity, but had things that call them angels that they doesn't, their humanity are the animals.

So returning about the story, I thought that what he wanted to me say to the girl sound what a pedophilian would asks for the victim, and my intention was only help her, if she need I would came, what means? I only would do that to help me, trust in a girl, only if I was the demon and the girl, an agel asking to the girl to she kept secret for her parents that I visit her and talk with her? What reprhensive angel, probably he is hiding his degenareted desire, had this type that like be called that infamous name, they are almost used for experiments, isn't me, but I know the doctor, to say to them that angel doesn't o those things! Use a so sacred image for humans to got near girls!

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Hit me with a lightining what the title

 I received from my angelical mailing one mistake of the Saint, if Go born in animals, I think His mother is a animal, the Siant J. make God look for a human mother. Can at least those animals don't be spiritual? 

If people want that DNA, wanted very desperately, God was a much better DNA. I passed in Earth a 300 years life DNA and here was 30 years live DNA. The human race no matters the souls can't be good thing dying with 30 years. Who is intelligent with so short life, got smashed descendants for generations that are very short? With short lives like animals.

See had passed years that I talked spiritual that had 3 humans women that said that the Saint was humiliating them because they born humans to be mother of their human kids, they were fat, one of the humiliation that they were mother in past lives with 3-6 years they were cows in other lives. Was the maternal love that make them came to they kids had a better mother. At some years had people that thinks themselves holy shits that hatted animals ha souls, aren't angels that defend they, understand they had soul. I said that those souls are need, that had races that are aliens, that they had his own planets, that the planet already was canibal, when passes was one of the plans of God isn't write because was one of the Eras of the Ignorance, so God took the animals to people be cannibal, sometimes God smashes with a lot of weight when the weight is very high we have our escapes plans. Because they were sins but everybody pays, do you think that if doesn't have would in animals they would not receive a human body, we would be a very irrational planet with many kinds of spiritual defects that doesn't aren't sins. The pig is very violent, the cow I already had their defect I forgot by now the name, had times that we think that Go could crack the planet, half for us and half for who hate everything, but we gonna had the left and they the right we gonna have the top and they the bottom, we worked with the God brain at that time, He thinks and we at the same time. That God could make two twins planets. The cow is cretin, but in what level, understand? Sometimes we want another planet to the part more human see, recognize that they are the part more failure of the creation, and they always need us. They had so much importance for names we had importance for virtues, the part near God thinks very much in the virtues, but live well  among those tha tdoesn't had virtues, but don't steal the deeds of the God sons to give for a human failure, Ok! Live with the deeds of an angel or demon to a human had a big NAME! But the difference of God to who had a animal mother, God was the only human that born among the animals the others nobody knows, just God was the only.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Listen people

 Against the Jes intersection hadn't nothing powerful but if the person didn't recognise, the soul fall and even had a demon behind the scene the ungreatful soul fall alone, I almost nock down a brother because I soul that doesn't want to be save, we only can save with the soul pass out, the conscious of a soul directed to destruction is more powerful than the demon, so sometimes we need pass out some souls, is be very that people that spent a lot of the other side only had the soul and give the only thing they had.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

This 2 nail enamel, ongle vernis

Hand nails painted of light pink and with a top coat of white dots

two bottles of nail enamel hold by two fingers
The two nail enamel that I used one cover of each, 1st the light pink and after the white dot top coat.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim


Also had that

 God isn't detalhista, but the demon need. Don't worth a pitty, why just on't forgot all who want don't want do, for who is important? One old something that doesn't thanks even Jes to help him-her, this is can't happens, never gonna happens!

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Gold golden

 Came in my angelical mailing, what is the corn, and me here, I if was living the way I want I would travelling!!! And was that the corn of the Hell Heaven even God confuse the two on propose, once he said that was 15 Heavens an another day said that had ony one Heaven and all under are Hells.

So the corn spiritual, are evil but they are in cobs, they are like an germ, a big one? Mutliplying till be big? Wasn't to say but this is past was to see who lie to see corn cobs, the corn are scattered across the floor in grains.

The computer the spiritual one don't cooperate that easy, the last person that went there, that computer appear a torture machine, if is a woman is the Cosmos, the person was naked in a torture chamber very small with the ass out. That appears an empalation.

Also I already said, I don't know even why repeat, that my guide said that the Vatican is a Palace, had diferences among Palace and Castle, Jesus is Palace is kingdom, I think, I think the diference is that Castle are made of rock and the Palace could be even a place to pass the time for a king made of wood covered with what appear rich, the demon hide in the rotten wood see? The Vatican my guide sai need a lot of wood, only chants that place would not be important, was made to be very key for something. If the demon can't passes by that Church, would not be place for nothing. So a palace is like that is stick, just pau, but is covered to be like a Heaven, so the white and the golden and can't be to much gold, the most had to be cheap alloy with appearance of gold, but construct with care, following some rules, there wasn't made of anyway almost all had a reason.

I sometimes think like the old people, if you want something well done had to be you, you delegate always a detail leak, and always are the details, or say to ME what that Jesus is waiting FOR? I don't know but who is elevated in the wood, so He had part with the up and the down. Say do you think the Heaven isn't gold?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Is that saint isn't good

 Go make to him a new spiritual boy remembering what is missing in the original, and He for scorn gave that new spiritual boy to his mother, what he spect God make a new one, how if a saint be above God.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

People talking about the quality of th evideo and not of the music

 Ha more than 10 years that my guide make me see a video that he explain that, that was a studio of Disney that worked in Europe I think that was in England and they were doing the video of ABBA, peope even where the scene was common they fro angelical or devilish inspiration was making special effect on, and people don't see nothing, they use the same cameras for edition that were used in the movie of "Se minha cama voasse", with Angela Lansbury, my guide specially like her, she even knew Elisabeth Taylor, but return to the cold story, does my guide her fã?

So my guide said that they got the frames of the shoot of the singers, and make them represent in the size of a paper like A4 of the printer and put the frames in a machine with camera to make the animation, so they make frames to animated them like a cartoon! And they got the frames and make some changes, they even used a big computer of an English University to make some research, the hypnosis is inthe movie balde runner the computer, but returning for the cold story, so they use the computer to people see fast 3 frames and see something, but if you stop the 3 frames isn't that, I saw stopping some of the musical videos had so esculhabação, was true really the frames are weird, are not offensive but had some wigs dancing a arm that is black, one leg that isn't leg and things like that. And now the balde runner people think the message is drink coca-cola, besta assim.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Monday, July 15, 2024

I remember that about the movie the book?

 And is about the scarecrow of the Wizard of Oz, he is the demon and he isn't stucked in the pole, he could went he wante but he need convice her to free him to accompany Doroth. Imagine if that corn are in the God belly button, I imagine that only could a horrible desease, and people eating that beans, yellow!

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

He was a mad demon with high pretensions

 Was a cousin and he was dreaming that he could be Jesus! And demon how he was I could be a demon to him this time, to lock him a goo place of hell, I was to cross him a small chapel, but I knew he won in one chapel so I crucify him in a good with solar ligh hell, so after put hi in cross I had to call a person that would be Poncious Pilatos to his judgment that want desire the high places!!!

When God is bad with us we became his intestinals worms, we aren't on his feet, we got bad when God had asia, are 2 colors there green and roseo for worms, only say what is the propension green to greedy, pink to sex, so I said that he lived in the excrement and spell in the flush was pretending be Jesus!!! See your insignicance.

I even already said that I of worm once was in the brain of God, He pull with the finger and thru in the Hell. I said before that I would govern and got the prostitute that I want, is that God say to us about prostitutes and not women.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I saw in a movie why peopel use that elastic in the arm

In the movie he was contabilist in Hell and was to place a note book, the pencil was in a elastic in the head, probably also serve for waiter.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim


For God or for the demon

 That someone can joke and be serious, people went to talk with God to joke, people went after the demon and are joking, is that way can? And listen the jokes!!!

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

So think that way also

The demon is copy for who want do what when coping him? That was really a church, that was really a school, that was really a conventry.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim 

My guide said how he was discovering some videos of the demon

 He was at the time making, he isn' the director just the financier, and he asked for the videos be made that way: They when make the scene, need the scenario right? But would be that way if the need a church they would film in a hospital and covered to appear with a church, if they need a hospital they would film in a school and covered to appear a hospital, got the idea? So need be filmed in one place that would be covered to appear with another place, bakery... baber shop... but in the scene had to have any indication that could be see for who is seeing that was the real place.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

In the mailing come an answer

 For part of the memory, the answer was that veado means a man that like to divertir people making anal sex, and when the other asked to him was to know if the other soul was using him, so he was veado because like of anal sex and not do sex anal to entertain people, and the cleaning lady was because the place wasn't so close to a demon don't use a woman to corrupt with her misery, what have a veado with a woman making anal sex to don't have babies? She was just being annoying disgusting, I didn't said the one that was answering was middle age, was type after the half of your life why you really do? Because he please him and not the others was right. A woman listen the talk of the employer with the friend was really had these people, once I was thinking about a friend that she thinks that those people doesn't had ears to listen? She saying about her secrets with the cleaning lady listening, I was thinking she like call things secret, because is a beautiful name she didn't have one secret on her life.

A serous conversation, I know that way they talk was light, but was a serious thing, type for all your life you did good to you or bad to you? What is to a homosexual think about the maid say that she also make anal sex?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Read but pay attention who like explaint the own words with exhaustion

 What isn't written isn't in the world, is for lawyers but serve for what I write. What isn't written doesn't existed, let me explain that not everybody is a lawyer... You make a petition the exordial, and what isn't in that petition you didn't asked, you didn't explain, if isn't explored in the papers you give to the Judge doesn't exits, the things occur a lot by documents for lawyers, the Judge can add but a lawyer NO, you can't just make lacks in the petitions and explain in the court in the judgmentIsn't write the Judge would not try discover what you pretend and in the session in the court isn't a opportunity to explain.

Was that people when we are in some social medias we think that we gonna find people with the same inspirations, that like the same kind of things but in Brazil is very dangerous place, individuality doesn't exist. People when look you profile sometimes are because hate your kind. I made only things of who like gothic, people don't follow that tendency was looking because hate this kind of people, look my profile just for my beauty is that identification. All my videos was gothic people that hate gothic was see my weird things! So is or isn't had personality in Brazil? My wacky is optional, I born completely normal, I had to say that I was a bit weird, I like weird jokes but see horror movies make me happy enough, I passes the midnights wakeup seeing horror movies, don't show this tendency in Americas people here are violent and doesn't understand, the can drive a car against you, on purpose.

I saw that movie ensina-me a viver, the identification with that guy even passes almost all my tendency, I thought that if I was waiting for someone like him I stop wait because never gonna happen because he probably was spending his time with that kind of ladies even with the TV actress, because ladies like the kind and trap them, and he was that intelligent to don't spent so many time with that people.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

This only work in the animal world

 Imagine that woman looking for a man like the birds that had the best feathers, the most exotic colours, beautifully made-up eyes poor devil is stupid.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

A memory that I never share doesn't make sense

 I wasn't the gay I wasn't lesbian I wasn't the maid.

I thought that I just listen and conversation...

1: Why do you like of be gay - veado?

2: Because I like of tomar no cú!

domestic mai: Boss I also like de "tomar no cú!"

2: You are a chicken that uses the cloaca to make sex, you don't fool me!

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Isn't the demon business but he get envolved


And thinking about before God that dmeons was intelligent creatures that lived in underground that came to rule and govern because the race that was in the surface was mediocre and violent with women an children, the men and woman are good but wasn't always that way, appear that was missed old people but people didn't live so much, the bad thing that lived in the surface, and who was under more decent with the conscious of have his woman and be a father, the beginning of the humankind was bad people, the man wasn't free to be violent because of the demon that went and rule, what had about the demon, live everybody in the same planet?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Oh besteria insanity

 I did like that guy because is something with no future, we never like each other, just because he was rich and I was in the pindaíba, I lived in the corda bamba  I in the future could stay in the corda Bamba he isn't that spiritual rewarding. Is dignify don't only run for the lunch.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

In Europe would be

 Calling a  beast, even in the terreiro in Brazil is gift oferenda.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

See the banket

 Appear a ritual.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

What does means?

 According with the banket is invited the vulture or the abutre had the urubu one eats dead bodies and the other kills living and wait to got bad to eat.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

People always want

 Enter in the contabilidade another science that the demon dance on, also lawyer. So had the technocrats.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

The Grandpa isn't that good but He reward us

 We could had our revolution but how we give up to the good of the mankind we were rewarded, is that He raised times in times and was our Era but we receive in money.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I bought all the collection chocolate had comparision

The eye shadow packed like a chocolate bar

All the 11 itens but the necessaire, that was hard to acquive because was all the time sold very fast

The 3 lipstick what wonderful scent, delicious chocolate very special, and are glossy and not matte

The 3 nail enamel glossy effect

The eyelash mascara comparing with the common edition that is black

Comparision with the rest of my enamel of a previous collection that was coffee collection

Comparing with my last 2 lipstick of the collection coffee that were matte lipsticks

The small eyeshadow bar, also delicious colours dreaming about, zzzzz wakeup

The 3 eye-pencil, so me I used a lot of time make up to appear with that I didn't sleep, people care about me, just makeup of course

Again posing of the side of a chocolate cup

Love, love, sometimes we have one unhopeless for ourselves is incurable.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim