Sunday, July 14, 2024

A dream a picture a picture in a dream

 The meaning of the image, the arm that the Indian woman is fat out of the body, in the body was powerful and not deformed, was from God. The figures that are in the elevated of the room, the first line are the Grandchildren, in the back the taller figures that are with the hand in the shoulder of the one of the first line are the Sons, they are with the hand of the shoulder of His Sons, the feet of everubody is casco because they decend of God and God had hoof in place of feet, God are relative of animals and is that feet. Had even one that is puting in place of hands in the shoulder of the Sons two cascos, He even the hands are cascos, but is only the feet for everybody and not waist, God got mad becuase of His powerful arm and the other hand in the other arm became casco and He break his watch in the powerful arm, He can have a watch in the wrist but this isn't problem for God, He can control the time powerfully, so the time isn't His freind anymore but He can even corrupt it, the ground got backwards under His feet, so He is more powerful of any clock, He is type locked in one day but that day could came any day He wants, that robber was so severe that He is father of evrybody of the room with that arm, when the lady carried it God got other ressemblance, the guy that we knew as God is the real one if the real one have that arm, without that arm the arm is only a soul if the image of God, and God is another person with two arms just was spell the older God, that God that is the body had a son that hate us, an isn't Jesus. The face of the woman is tha tridiculous because is a demon trapaça, all the demon trapaças are exposes in Heaven probably in Earth the face was normal. Had days that God wanted a demon powerful and had some of We that can watch the demon, had to be very good to see the demon, he came and close the eyes of God, he is supposes to be becareful when He is closing the eyes of God We got far he didn't notice was miles and miles of God hand, even we got afraid of God. When He ask to people to be dishonesty with Him, He is being very bad.

And about places sometimes in Brazil felt the virtuosity went away, is thinking that we are near the eternal death, the feeling is the evirtuosity went away, so I didn't want return there. And I return to my nromal fase, my guide said that high souls notice and the others die without motice.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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