Friday, July 5, 2024

Is this racism?

When I was that beggar I only had one thing in mind about plans of be mother that the father had to be German or Japanese, I would not want from a Italian or Spanish, weird? Some people don't want white, but race, I han't genetics with Italians or Spanishs! Had a man from England that was interest about me, I thought that if one day the descendant choose right he would a important but if he lived bum, that anybody could be his pair? More mix less and less race, just with a person from England I would make something that wasn't for me, why not French I knew, I wasn't wanting a kid with who I already knew... A kid just to have a kid, a kid just to have a kid!!!

Had be a beggar I thank God to have born, I was perfect, with heathy, but I don't thank what of life I didn't have because I was a beggar, a poor have a house a beggar no, even that we don't have.

When I thought, I think had a lot of women that agree with me! They felt the same. The women doesn't do nothing important one day because they are numerous one will find the way. If I was punished and the baby never had, I don't feel guilty. Even my father wasn't wanting a grandchild until was very late.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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