Sunday, June 16, 2024

He was a demon but I helped his victim he wasn't the 1 white slave

 I went to France to talk with some politicians that they need a politician to stop smuggling of humans, I went to say that I didn't wanted but I discover that the guy was to be sold to India, the victim was a native of the French countryside, the politician said that knew the man and he was a gentalha, poor went to a practical to remove his ball to be a prostitute, I said that even that way he was a person, that if was need I would talk to he lived in my country to passes for humanization. There in my country wasn't only find a simple work and a place to sleep, but also go to therapy of the hug, with other people of all the ages, talk with the small kids with companion but passes to like himself because is being treat with care for other humans. He went to my continent, a country asked to he lived there, was a invitation of the own country. I know he would hug black people, but black people under the color is a beautiful human.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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