Sunday, June 16, 2024

In the cosmetics I took that care

 I first passed a time to got convinced who would be my worker to develop the coloration of the cosmetics. I had 2 possibilities make the cosmetics be the costumes of each European country, but I thought better and I wanted an international product like for that all the European ladies follow the same fashion imagine make distinction and a lady that came from Russia when arrive in England be called ridiculous! My worker was from Russia I took a time to find a person when was his time I asked because the bad experience you aren't a crazy man who likes to denigrate women, at the time had a lot... And even wanted to work with product designed for women. I prefer make the research in a European country because I need make colorations that match with Europeans women, was a question of market, see? Europe was a big market for me, other races if wasn't a African continent were smaller, and also I had to make a product that please the men of the market, to make the women more attractive for the men! So I need know the uses of the country that cultural have approval. We even test colors for others skin tones.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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