Sunday, June 16, 2024

The 4 arms of the Factory of Willie Wonka

 I send my factory of chocolate to France, because was what my son asked had more 3 factories. I had a pharmaceutical, and of Beauty and one smaller that would stay in Africa to Africa eat African chocolate with workers of Africa.

I was remembering about the 4 arms because I build the mausoleum of my ancestor and write the story of chocolate with him.

I said that the only way to say the story of chocolate without talk about him was thinking that cacao were a plant and got developed with the others vegetal when the planet got vegetals, I paid a scientist in England to he he invent the Botanics because I wanted to him explain how was the evolution of the plants till appears the cacao. 

So cacao was used before my ancestor like to put colour and women of al ages in the lips and checks, the butter of cacao of course, and like linimento with medical principals, cream for medication. In my time I passed to be who sell in the time of the cosmetic and medicine but I also sell to be manufactured in Europe but who sell more in the phase wasn't by me was another African. I was so grateful for the Indian prince buy that castle that I wanted make him rich he being my partner in the selling of medicine for Europe, so all the oinment he was my partner, and there had temper a arm, that was that seasoning had medical principals, I paid a chemical in England to he refine the technique, but all the prince of India was my partner, mint was in the candies and in the pharmacy.

I passed to draw tubes and little pots to ladies like the cosmetics and one of the most industrial products came from my factories even medicine, sell like water people that never would got to a doctor or pharmacist, some skin diseases that even kill because people was afraid of go to a doctor and silly diseases was enough to kill.

So my ancestor invented the chocolate of the way that people know.

People said to me that I supposes to hide the origin be from Africa because of racism, I didn't do because I respect the human and I didn't want people buy that because African work came invisible, was respect pass butter to one person? Even butter was used to medicine butter of cacao is just better and could be industriliased had a validity, don't spolis like milk butter. All was for my son when I was Willie, just can't got out of Africa because he an me was loved in our country, and he can't destroy the partnership of the cosmetics.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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