Saturday, June 15, 2024

More that when someone don't want know

 Let me say I dreamt with everything but rape, murder a arm amputated but not a rape, so when people came to say what happens I said if is bad don't tell me, in the other life I had borrow money that was a heritage anticipation for that nojenta farm, had the escravocratas I see they would appear but be father of one... He was father with 15 years old, that money he convinced me was for the salvation of a soul so didn't tell me that something bad happens... Sometimes I thought that let her pay, to she learn, she only was rapped but didn't learn nothing... I believe in all the violence against a 3 months baby but not rape, murder cut out her arm but rape! When I knew that she was alive and with the members I thought that was just a prank in her father. Today if wasn't because people discover the guilty was because his father was friend of disgusting enslaving, probably the most hated men of USA was his friends and his daughter paid, today what was she pay being prostitute? Probably almost everybody but she knew her fate, and of course me... One day I said to my wife aren't woman? That knew that a girl would had a baby after rape, I even didn't knew the age, she told me years after that went there, was so many times when? I said you aren't a woman of let a young girl wait till the end of a pregnancy to make her calve. Who is the shit to want see the face of the baby to discover who was the father. American is kind not praticals, fool people that suffer a little more than the need.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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