Saturday, June 15, 2024

And about is this

 And had that we make friends, but first people said to me wasn't the criminals of Africa also they sent the dement of the asylum, you think people less violent, not that way had the violent insanes.So they were resolving their problems, and make something like economy, keep prison full of men, and Asylum full of mad people, and they even receive money for it.

So, this way we also make friends, with Caribe wanting had farms for cocoa, is more expensive than sugar, but is this way sugar is for everything. Also cattle farm need less workers. So is friendship buy in own Americas, Brazil with sugar the friendship was so weak, international competitors, I think that in the time Caribe even sell to USA coconuts. The police of the USA said that the crimes was committed more for the dements than the criminals, that the criminals were normal men with the full developed brain so they make crimes because they choose an a dement didn't had this ration about what is right or wrong so if they wanted sex kidnap and rape, to satisfied with no moral thought about, incredible don't you think? 

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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