Saturday, June 15, 2024

Hey boy that was my name?

 I got famous of be good after the time I was brat, in Africa my name was Willie Wonka? I was a spoiled African boy. I wanted my father construct a palace of chocolate, and he asked what for? To I sell, who bought was a Indian prince, people said that my joke was, if I said that I was with lack of creativity I am more polite, my father said son you didn't said that was to eat, and I reply but the people of India isn't morto of hungry.

But when I was caught after the pranks in France, a French guy said that if I want to see "Blablabla" Wonka, I said my great-great-grandfather are still alive? Oh you are jocking! If h was alive he would have 150 years old... Have a paint of him in my house he was 50 years old when he marry my great-great-grandmother, but Iwant you to visit him, I - Oh no that man only could live in the cemetery today, Ok Ok hadAfrican that live 150 years just nobody want to see them, you can take me there. I was caught had kind of 100 persons with us. We enter the cemetery and there was the grave of my ancestor, I put my monoculos, young people at the time used, and got my pipe so he live in that little house? Oh of course this is just the door the house is under, or course.... The guy notice that he was mad... He call my ancestor, I said no problem we can return in another day when he is at home... When I return to my country I invented the mausoleum to be more rich. People thought that I was so offensive.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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