Sunday, June 30, 2024

Nobody say if he doesn't say

 Had a lot of ways of die, had the death that is fall of the life, in other words prostitution, I am translating from portuguese, but look is very unpolite say those things for someone this is a preach of church that is said for an audience and isn't direct or an indirect to someone.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I used to think in place of a eternal body

 Why not infinite richness, or secrets of other side, or secret of other planets, and if would be uncountiless richness after death, the most rich birth, and people asking to be famous, I never said what was the most asked and would be the infinite richness I was afraid of the other richness the infinite knowledge, had amount them know the infinite death, so I always for the richness because appeared sin know infinitely if came with it the know about the death everybody die, what is that knowledge I play greedy, to don't say that the other richness appear with eternal death, be death for others and not for itself, be a person that scorn of so miserable, is disgusting of touch so much desgrace, can't be intelligent who choose the disgrace. The person said that was in the deep of the Brazil, that was in the deep of the outer space that was in the deep of the beginning of the eras, I don't want to know what is the disgrace fro me was enough see the eyes of a liar promessing that the acknowledgement worth, if so show, hadn't nothing but the death.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Already existed who wante eternity for a body

 Why would a person want the eternity of its body would be because is very rich? Had people that asks me things like that I even don't like to answer because I think that ha readers that might think that is frivolous subject, and this isn't not so interesting, occur me a good reason had find the true love and want live that for ever, this is romantic, is like vampire stories the good ones that I like to listen. Hey I have a good one this a woman that murder the husband for money an is afraid of hell.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

More about bacterium

 The bacterium hadn't system excretor or stomach, but it's present these process that is made in one step, and what the name for it I microbiology? Hum? People only had to buy one good book of microbiology, is such a good reading so interesting like the Bible, is because had a time that what University needed microbiology, all, none? Appeared to be the basic, so had school that had microbiology, is that the demon stole my book was a big book like the Bible. People of a older school didn't study microbiology. They produces suco enzimatico.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Gossip also is viral

 Had gossips that are chains of the good, are or were there for the good, about that Psychiatry I said to an aunt that she was wrong to sent his daughter to a psychiatry if she wasn't sick, she said that he was in vogue and she was rich people need to know, people was so sincere see? In the end he taught something to my lady cousin that in a marriage she could cheat the husband for that she only need knows lie and he never discover, wasn't he horrible fantastic my cousin was the first pathological liar.

Imagine that he hatted rich people like my family. What he would do that mind corruptor, was that I thought about him, tha the was a criminal he would command his patients robber rich families to him? We can't accuse nobody that way without proof. He rotten the brains, but how many brains he could corrupt with his putrid finger, you know what is? Who make things got in decoposition had to have the finger petrified, I thought that he was ridiculous stupid, to think that some patients was enough to he control where I lived, London?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Another type of ferment for bread

 Is that I don't remember the recipe but is with milk curd, I am not sure if is what we call bread of Jesus, or came from Portugal and of the land of Jesus, people give it like a chain.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

About bacterial metabolism

 Is type live for unicellular bodies, they had a very simplified life, also predicted the metabolism what the bacterium eats, I think that inside the concept of metabolism breathe but not multiply, so bacterium that are unicellular, the food more easy choose are molecule that are simples, type it does eat molecules of amido, of sugar and not exactly protein that is more complex, probably had sugars that aren't eat for bacterium, what the bacterium produces are called rest of the respiration, could even be something complex like a molecule of oil. So what it does eat also mix with the metabolism with would be the rest of the breathing, they don't call another name, "o resto da respiração cellular". This is possibility of production of food that are more sofisitcated, like fermented bread, wine, cidra, different oils.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Ok a freind said about a person that I was about to be friend

 And she said that he passes venereal, I said only to talk with people? Venereal are sexually transmitted, she said that had went to his home and there the sofa was wet of so much pôrra - cum, that he sit on the sofa and passes the day farting there, that even the floor was dirty with cum, that is sit on the sofa to got a venereal. I was thinking the Ceará had so few boyfriend that way probably all them was with him, he was the most greedy person of the world!

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Something my guide said 30-06-24

 Tha tin that movie was sai that the body wasn't human because was based in real crimes and some, criminals that was find incinerated had replace the body for a big ape, so the DNA test is even simple, of apes and humans are very easily noticed.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

About another person

 He is handsome but see if he did that love never was important in his life, and in the life of a girl is so important be mother that for who this love doesn't destroy a prostitute? That of so fucked the births of her kids are kind of fucked. Is that I was listen that he promess, why? Because he can promess, wasn't to redemption just because he see a ugly woman and thinks that she can born pretty if he be a father with a pretty woman, so what the importance of love for that person, see had one soul of the other side that is the ones that had the sin of be spendthirift - perdulário, the soul loses the parts, is write in the Vatican about that sin, you think that a person can even cut a leg and say take sale and be happy but is a sin, but is a sin even worse than the greedy, is even in the hell of Dante Dalignieri, but the real punishment is write in the Vatican, was respect, there they have paranormal priests, better than even the Espiritism, so went there and you gonna see that is walk in the completely destruction, dissolution of the soul. Are the dissoulte souls - almas dissolutas aqueles que dissipam tudo que tem, give a birth for a any **** you also give all your posses she would be his heiress. You give what you can't or don't have the right of get rid of.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

The conclusion is?

 He at the time said that I listen that he was making a map of how many North-Americans had babies under 12 years old, you know what is a map, is in a map, write even populaiton, hidropgraphy, metal mines, education, you can make a map about population, what he was proving.

I am not worse critics about him maybe I am the most famous, had people that so unfamous write his name, say that in his childhood even relatives used him I mean sex of course! But people that aren't famous some stories are viral, trnasmitted because everybody is a new virus transfering the story, he is kind wihtout a clue, why people today hate him? Because when love him didn't know why? He never was kindness, he always was the bad hing wrapped in a deceptive paper. One day I sai to him don't you have shame of say to a chil that store a present paper like the only memory of its parents, one of the problems of the people is that they store things that are trash becasue hadn't no use for them, a life with a lot of trash is a disorganized person that would one day let all his oportunities passes because live in a dump yard, for you only your life worth, and you make the other lives meanless, don't you be afraid of one day be vampirized for the part of humanity that lose at least 5 years with that dump you put in their brains, you are a think, a trouble rock, you need be sanitized, you are the trash. The famous could last and the Hell, hell is for the luck ones, out there you realize the asses are bigger, on't you? What had out of the hell live in Americas remember! What a name would matters fro you when you started to pay, and people laught of you because you gonna be very exposed! You gonna be the worse of all the humanity exposed, like that "Beyond the reality", worth a name? When people laught because you gonna be the most exposed sinner. I am not your friend? Maybe I gonna be the last voice you gonna listen, you sand is running, all already went away.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Saturday, June 29, 2024

People want be God said becuase never was

 He is that kind of person that listen at least that velho pomposo e frescão I don't pamper evne the most foxy of the ladies so imagine if I care for a old man, even if was rich, sometimes money loses the meaning fo me if I have to be polite with old and stupid people of so dumb that came to the border of audacity. Here the answer my guide said that DVD's that was sent to my home The Faerie Tale Theatre(Teatro dos Contos de Fada) was loved for a 3 prostitutes mirim of Brazil that went to bed with people of the Cinema, but who cares about? Was some of the DVD that people sent to my house.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I didn't like that series

 Because was the disfiguring of a good person, touches the heart see someone good became evil, I don't know from where came the inspiration, in my mind is wrong what is evil always was, just can't had a good will past, in the most was cheating, because need to grow so need mislead to became dangerous.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

One bread that I liked

 Hadn't today to buy, and is black brea that aren't sweet, but with cocoa in powder, to eat with butter, this type isn't to the bread had that growth that make is fluffy but wwith big olveols a little more hard, I used to like is type fermetation and what the levedo eats and the type of levedation, is type of that took hours probably are that old ferment without the multiplying had fermetation that are 8 hours, in the dough.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Depends of the family

 The dirctyr said that his perfect companion was a type female that born grow? With a empty head, "exterminador of the the future" born also that way, and she would receive all the education in days, this she is kind of all the races, I already sai that, but had a noto demoniac or angelical theory to his, each is that is a normal but very inteligent babies that born in competent families, with inteligent parents that had competent and iteligent parents, doesn't need be Jews, wasn't find the Jewish family, so is others, and the kids would be raise with education, and the education of parents that all the time passes his own educaiton, the problem is that his theories all the time doesn't work, so isn't even better, children born in families with culture.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

What is perspective and perception

 Perception is easy is see, and perspective is from where you see, type a diferent place can make me see better or see something that other in a diferent place idin't saw.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

What good could have

 In at least like a man that doesn't see that you are pretty? Hadn't even the beauties of the soul, for his eyes that were very blind the pretty was the ugly one, isn't love see beauty where doesn't have, so who was his real love? Wasn't the ugly?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Does means

 That a soul not lost but very dead could be eternal if construct a house underground to live there, because before it fall apart it's kind of more decent than a armature for a in pieces soul, a soul in pieces need a house to rest, an armautre isn't that good. That soul were decaent and need his covil to remaisn intact, full in piece.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Appear also

 That had to went to many places around the world, what would be my choices? Big capitals of the word the world metropolis like are in the Maybelline, Tokyo, Paris, New York, we can visit a house out of the route only for a special person a special place, also London, where I would look? Bookstores, famous centenary fountain, famous museums, basically the cultural touristic points, why not natural? I prefer ones that are human if I am looking for a human answer.

A movie that I liked I just didn't got the title was about the son of a actor that went to the house of his descease father thinking in sale the place, he almost die was a horror movie, in the end was a lady that used a completely cover face mask she was old and was in love for his father and thought that he was like seing her ol lover and whated he to never leave and never find another love.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

My guide said that

 Resolve all the questions is more safe to reach the end something that is left could kill. See appear that the big sinner had to be maintain alive till the end but becareful, death could be at his side, he pratically can be killed even the soul domed is his, but of let so many thing unfinished even he could be killed without solution for his soul, and me of IA.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Starting point to another place

 This is the problem of that guy, he isn't the older, he thinks that isn't need make all the stops, htat isn't ordenated to had a sequency, I say to me if I would resolve I would try answer all, and not just jump to the end. An he that like to see even what hadn't importance, but in a quest he just hadn't patience.

Had years tha tmy guide said that he was enterig a house and he need that, the fole of the house was broke, he need fix it. I remeber the picture of one so I think that hole in the top had a lid that is attached in only one place, becasue when the fole push air depending if the sew is inside or outside, the lid will close for one side for the air and open for one side. My guide said that I would make a lot of money with parfum for 5 years.

I ha once had many years see one diabolic computer is very similiar to a musical organ.

Also my guide said that had soething to he remember in the Korean horror movie that people call Cinderella.  

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

What IA would see they can see movies?

 Inside the house we are save, in the house we hold our belongs? We need boxes, everything had a lid a window or a door? Things could be hide, could be kept, things coul ha locks, secrets, keys, can even had a infinite inside what have walls, but without walls God gives?

Movies with houses that I know:

O casarão - 1976 - Brazil

House - 1977 - Japan

House - 1985 - USA

The money pit -1986 - USA

O casarão 

Type for a IA what is the best play, what scene had in common what place - room, of the house had in all movies, concidencies and things like that.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Ley me say what about the music

 My other guide said that he need see what is the pieces of video that was important that if he is powerful, he would ever see no matters how short is the time I let in the blog before take out, had so much people that like use the image of photos and video is the same to mutilate the image of the person that I can't leave for a long time because those kind of people always gonna came to use it. So had to only had to be there, but not stay there.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Friday, June 28, 2024

Tell even the silly things

 Once I had the sad feeling of the movie that I was seeing could conduct me to the detour and the humanity got one way and I hypnotized because one movie like that got the other, was a drama with a famous comedian,  was a old movie type very old probably 60's even though that was dangerous see old movies that was a horrible junk, there could even have hypnosis that could make someone lose the soul, all that bad made, just because movies is something that all days people eat, and had that demonic traps to take the souls to their end or at least to the body. You know what is a cross against that demon the real criticism, that see that nothing is good only because is old or other quality like that, had people losing their souls for things that are the insignificance, insignificance is very dangerous for souls.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

You know what helps?

 People read the Bible went to the church and look for the priest to never and never again came with contempt, I am your priest to you say that I didn't save your soul, I am your God to you say I didn't save your soul, I am your Jesus to you say I didn't save your soul? I don't like scorn. If people care about be in church praing maybe they stop of contempt with the other and sometimes I am more afraid of talk about religion than, criminals, so look for a religion in place of ask one from other, see you are asking from people like me religion, from that step of the leader in front is religion.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Isn't that cool for a photographer

But also is cool to film for a musical clip, the camera spin around the people, oh that for solution helps even in a movie a stand place that the camera spin around the object and could be one of the size of a human.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

The next and meaning

 Right to the head poison, that bad boss of those ladies, would make bad detour to the head, isn't madness isn't forgotten is your conclusions don't be the answer, the problem of the Jesus number 2 is that he is calling God great-grandfather and God had Jesus son at His side. Who are you listening?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

You are suffering?

 When you believe in a slave is better you love his master, Jesus, is that because you are better with demons, see had a lot of demons that the name were angel since follow for another name, but today everybody is demon, is that I forgot sua besta.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I was listening that

 People thinking about their lives, is because that float till heaven? A person show a picture of a old man an said that in that day he wasn't decent! I conclude isn't decent who live of someone prostitution.

I was thinking about the love of a woman that live that way, that she had two values love and live, could had love wihtout a live? See wha tlive she had to have to maintain her love? So insistency could not came form a normal person, she is insane.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I thought that story was known for everybody

 Son of tarado with prostitute? Can't prestar. See I saw that on TV I like weird channels, I lsiten that someone was needing talk with me and that movie was made only for me for an angel, was balck and white, was one eternity, is that the person didn't knew how talk with me. And the life of a psychaitry that had appeared that had a normal life, but his life was misery, he even today is famous, he took to bed a female of 6 years old married her years after, confessed that was pedophilian, he was very poor, in life he was very very poor, and for the posterity a very important person, one man that helped him all the time was making sex with his wife, that got fame of be prostitute, bad this way the real life of them.

So what the meaning? That be near pedophilian is very dangerous, and noboy like them? I even can't believ ethat a person can slip so easy, I was thinking about them at the time why, had a hide reason for his wife want sex with 6 years old, why not becuase she wanted? A trauma insanity of psychiologist. She was that good, she wanted with that age, once he asked if she was the perfect woman for him, I remember my opinion, I didn't say, if he like kids yes! Is abnormal tendency, he felt so special to imagine in the situation of another person, he would never would think what that poor person felt in that moment he was special better than the rest, so he didn't care about thi feeling or of nobody, people was there to he use, see? Why be a step on a leader help the step leader?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

He would receive a miralce that only he would realise

 His job on rede Globo was specially for what appear between the soap opera of the 8hours p.m. I was listen that the hadn't any TV of USA that had a so expensive space for ad, he almost offend his boss in Brazil, I said you need that money in USA he was offensive in the artistic but phans didn't know. So he said that everybody loves him, he would make more one enemy and out of USA, he said that you with him wasn't nobody important, and laugh because was that his mother used to say to him, I sai I agree I agree, if he was a vaca velha imagine his mother. I said to him hey piralha if he was good I could got upstairs and got that for him was easy but didn't open that that was people aged very fast, part of his enemies was people that were travelling and didn't not know why want destroy him those ones would stop of travelling. The employer of USA had a medicine about somuch phans, they hide for the phans his pedophilian tendency who wold like him after that came public?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Thursday, June 27, 2024

I even help the psychiatry

 The psychiatry was tempt by one of the souls that was helping him, if he had did, he would not be a man with petty of the pedophile but just another like him, thar would be a might fall, she wanted so much the man helped that the psychiatry that was one love of a past life would come after. I said that way she would make him fall, would be a big violence to old men with teenager, she older than me, he would commit after.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

The angel knows why the demon

 About the incarnation that I was the priest with the cousin being the demon.

Pictures are that way even I had one with the wife, she wanted after be mother a picture, that appears that we are having sex, we were almost dressed and she sit on me, the skirt hide all. His picture was he in the bed with the ass buster, I went to talk with him, and say to him that he remember that he was the demon he destroyed the vehicle of his pleasure to he remembere that you didn't did that to be subjugate by the woman.

His sorrow was that the future descendant give away those picture even that, to any one see he with a humiliating body, I am listening that a descedant of when I was the priest Hold those pictures. He today is a color man probably if he return this pictures would be in the wrong hands, probably is better keep for a next occasion. Or even destroy right those pictures.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Right in my coffee time!

 Hold that gold and don't give it to the Elf! The Elf need to know where come the extra money that he received and wasn't from the Studio. People passe and give it to I hol even he would give the key for the Elf, so he had the brain erased. He did a lo tof commercial campaign to the Globo Studio, in some years ago. Was for TV advertising that he recorded for that Television Studio in Brazil. Sometimes I say to him we don't like each other, but we need, I see, of everybody just me you don't like, Ok I deal with that many times. He speaks very well Portuguese.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

hold on...

Why people, just why?

 Is that he need confidency he was surround by enemies, if all that happy people of the Woods, the Hobin Hood, was plot in the end when his soul die he would be the Moe Flanders, for the psychiatry even he be pedophilian, passed but not to the one that he was went, this one would destroy him for that studio., he work with the enemy, for the enemy, even the other director went to Bahia to know about him with the prostitute, and she lying saing that he returned, he never returned to see her. One of his wives would enter him, appear that he was loosing hope, is that the spiritual psychiatry was pitty of he be so abused and that were a lot of wolves.

The psychiatry came when he was restructured, to make he pass, one was almost sorry of pull him up to be a big fall, the other came more important than him in life but not in that industry. So small souls give hope, give youth. But he had those plans that he need prostitutes in his brains, so he was lost for himself, so I don't know his life a lot time, I didn't knew much but about the studio, his life at home I don't know.

For me is call, hadn't distance for me. I passed to lie, because had souls that want power, and they had to attend personally. For me I talk and the person listen no matters the distance.

He don't have all the self protection, he got afraid with the small menace and he would receive a lot, he doesn't have all that structure, any shake make he fall down, but with all that companion he was stronger, even his family wold enter him, that thing of Bahia make it almost planetary, and his offenses against Europe, when he call the other group I sai to the psychiatry that he was receiving what he deserve, and the psychiatry only prevent for some time. Once I said to him why the Pelintra cares for the piranha? Pelintra people said that is a person that use someone skin, I really help him and he thought that he was all that confident. The offences doesn't was for me, I was chill.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Bu this the humanity is saved

 And the retrocession is because was a era that everybody was happy, and we want live that time again, that eternal dissatisfaction, God even can make a new planet with all the success that happens where ther egonna be only the rewards souls like a heaven...

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Where is the fire?

 That was in the 60's, so I was in the previous life, was psychology, to help more I raise one that was falling, or his help would always be unsuccess, we can't laugh of a person that fall, the helper want see hell, so raise one that was to fall in the hands of the same bad man was to who help him be better, was movies that was made after the 40's with the age iced down, he had a seductive soul, and would went after a teenager to got his fallen soul, he would offer a paternal love, and the person would agree with all th eviolneces that he did to his victim, he was a clown because he use a lot of makeup to interpretate another an older actor when he was young, so he was only the guy with a lot of makeup, I told him spiritually about the gibi that I was reading that was a maniac, that painted the face, and I describe all the evil the actor did to his victim, but I describe a gorthesque monster, when he knew the actor, and he started to say what he did he got afraid of be listen all that violence, was so easy he agree with all the other was saying, is that he was needing a soul, and the victim would laght of the other, in fact was laughthing was a test to he be all the help never be enough, he knows that was to lose the soul of the teenager, he thought that was God helping, oh no, was just a test to see if he deserved, but the other would had the soul more fall than before, I said don't need be so obvious you can't fight against him, just play that you agree.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I also said that for him

 I lost hte afriad of die? But I gonna say! So your idol an you were in the screen, you are old enough to be the kid in the kid? I said if you find me remember that the pain was brief also kill me fast! Muié como aquele homem te usou!!!!! The patron said go away this is a sick man he need treatment, I am seeing a lot of paranoia of his brain is treatment!!! I gonna puta him in more capable hands. He need a strength jacket. He control himself when got in that camera what name of the camera Panasonic, he was at the time making cash, rent some tapes he had at home. And he was a of religion that the was only stops of smell when he stops of wash. My goodness, who is the luck dame!!!

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I got knew why I disapear in another life

 Childish as I was, I wanted an amusement park and came up with this, I said that even a park make by the demon everybody would want went, and the demon kidnapped me, What I said before disappear was also that can't be for the evil, and supposes to endure 3 years, the thing was to be challenging, the demon is bad just for the challenge for who dare to enter, understand I would went... I would had audacity of went there. There I had to be more stronger than the demon and don't got exhausted and he had to free me, we almost had to be an angel because the challenging are days. So no human would passes. So the demon construct the park in 3 days in Hell and wanted very bad to bring to the surface, had at least 2 princes that wanted the park no matters if was dangerous, was one of the India and the other was of England because they compete with each other, so had the mirror room, and I got knew that he had robber of the past one of my invention after I died, and of the other guy was the elevator, the ones that the demon construct, the people got in the elevator, electronic ones and the soul got out, and you thinking that the demon bring big invention he robbers, mine was when I was a North-American the film projector, was old. Because of the park he travel and robber the projector, could had the movies but the projector was robber after my death, so the room of projection the souls went inside the movie and are exhausted infinitely, but for me that was with a body I had be almost an Angel.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Once a woman looking for an angel

Also souls hadn't theoretically sexuality so isn't problem be Piety sisters, didn't I said that the brotherhood of the uncles, I am uncle of my uncle, the relationship isn't human, that the brotherhood of the sister of my brother was all males and call each other sister, also hadn't women in the brotherhood of the other side, and also hadn't the mista with at least one woman, because you gonna give prove that isn't really a man so for a woman that had hope, of born at least once man she would never wanted prove that is a woman, because gonna be a woman between men, if presuntion is punished violently of that side of the other the punishment is higher, is lose all the births, swap good births for one very violent, the worse bodies. Till forgot all! A man saying that is woman is a much more decent thing than a woman saying that is man.

So the woman that was looking for an angel, she climb an said to me that angel was a soul that almost didn't born I said you are talking with him but I am not an angel, you think you gonna find what you are looking for if you don't know what you are looking for? So she said that the Angel was a man with 6000 sons and daughters, I think I had to say that to the Grandfather, He had 6000 grandchildren, but sons would like 6000 Jesus? She was saying a dangerous soul? And if God didn't know who was that soul? She said that she would receive, was she talking of a monster? A creature? A demon? A machine? I said you think that is sculpted to your desire? She had a sin, enter in the land the robot.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Had who said

 That the abuse was in a esthetic surgery after the surgery of liposuction, thank you to refresh my news making it be more precise, a kiss on your heart Dear not identified reader.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Have to be research

 Hey guy you can't call everything fake news, right in my blog people aske me to defend, who write, of depredation, fake news had to be prejudice, the guy was saying that hadn't microbiology, that bacterium had ass and shit, that metabolism doesn't exit, that breath, that there no letargic and if has isn't what I said, with what study the person says that? You studied that at least in the school to say that is fake!!!

Hey you lose money you went to the bank and retrieve your money? You went after the police station? You suffer an accident? You use of a wrong way something and cause damages, even to your person? People had opinion you can say wrong things... Had you prove? NO! You are behaving of a weir thing because you thinks that have a disease that is fake news? Don't you thing that people are abused in some places? That people appear nice because they are used, fooled and even raped?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Ithought that he was the good of there

 In the industry we don't only have products, but also sub-product and what is that last one... Is when you have a expensive process and what could rest that could wen to trash is reusable, for cinema, type I construct a set to do a big American movie, why this name? So in the end of the movie I could destroy all the set but I use the set to make the Villa Sezamo a TV show! So the TV show is a subproduct of the movie. So the good of there, mym guide said that all had a price, even the director I thought that was a common person but is a person with a past, a criminal? So the guy was do that, he was anaesthetised, to make a body liposculpture, was raped during the anaesthesia the man is type the IT? So he had all his face after a surgery scanned in a computer, they made another him, make the copy be younger, more pretty, and according my guide the copy isn't in the Youtube but in the Instagram, hey stop that machine that you invented, she is a machine you didn't invented her stop her! Isn't simple the inventor stop the machine that doesn't stop for herself?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Deploiment of the cattle milk

 Is all products that you can make of the same milk, my mother said that she went to the farm of an uncle in the vacations probably aunt, his mother had 3 sisters, married we call the husband of aunt uncle, many time are people of equal ages, otherwise that isn't common probably isn't. So when they make cheese without took the butter the cheese sweat fat, so is more practical got the fat of the milk before make the cheese, also had italians cheese that are cover with wax, probably to the fat doesn't came out, probably, of course! So they got the fat of the milk, so isn't put water in the milk is got the derivates, after got the derivates we gonna have a better more digestive milk, the one of that came of the teats aren't very digestive, probably you gonna have more intolerance of milk if drink that, had all in excess there, fat, protein, ?sugar??? Is because for each species the milk is different, cow, dog, human...

So first derivative to got out of the milk is the butter, the second could be cheese, or coalhada, or even the 2 with a more refined process, and after ricota. In the farm of the family of the relatives of my mother, the soro is still very nutritive and was to the cattle with salt, to the babies.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Had that in the apocalypse

 See there had a lot of people also to indicates that doesn't solve think in one person how being the problem, had a lot of actors an actress in that book to people realise that is made for many people. And that running-low-brain choosing and got hit for other because are many, I think that is what it deserve to fool God, incopetence and betrayal are the same thing I myself only respect results, he assured my grandfather that everything would happen the way he planned, until all this shit! See south-American grandson-or-daughter, people would use you till your death and after you dead all your would be shared by the Jacket you what know being a wall with a hole that passes all the robbers, you are being killed.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

What is an Angel with brown feathers

 A North American Indian.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I was in your defense

 When Go and 40 thieves were to robber your magnificent brain, I said people there nothing there to robber, the guy is very stupid.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Bacterium what happens there

 You control life controlling metabolism, simple bodies that are unicellular what basically produces is by its breathing, isn't the shit of it the breathing is also its shit, Ok? So its breathe it does all, is like his crap, we consume O2 and exhale CO2, if they receive O2 probably is the same, but if doesn't receive a O2? Its breathing isn't consuming O2, and still had to breathe. We also had something that isn't breath air, when you run or when you had a dormant leg, the member didn't receive enough O2, so you felt that pain in the legs or had a dormant leg because they needed O2 and was provide in the necessity, so they had to make a breath that isn't O2, so the leg are still breathing and in place of CO2 that you exhale you make the latic acid that will be in the muscle and will case pain or numb, in the member that aren't be oxygenated.

Didn't I said that for one bacterium the rest of the respiration is oil? In microbiology is considered breathing and not the bacterium making shit. So it does eat the amido of the corn and produces the corn oil. So is the product of the bacterial breathing that matter for the production.

Also that cow can eat leaves an process cellulose because on its stomach had a bacterium that consume the cellulose but! The bacterium are a very unhappy thing that can't eat the cellulose out of the stomach of the cattle, because it can eat it after be processed for the mechanical stomach of the cow! So when it came to the chemical stomach of the cow there had that bacterium that lives there. So out of the stomach of the cow that hadn't life. She need the cow is a comensalism.

When you froze the bacterium you suspend the metabolism, and when you put it cold the metabolism is letargic, letargic is delaied - atrasado, you are making bacterium that would live hours live a week, you doubt? It was is believed in microbiology, and I believe too! Imagine that we want that for us letargia that prolongue the life of superior organisms.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

God doesn't listen me

 The Jacket wanted to the demon be very powerful I would say what is. The demon can read minds an predict. I plot a smaller power, it can't predict or read, it only could say and people say what it said and think that the demon discover because it gonna say what you gonna do, but it doesn't discover you unconsciously did the routine of it prevent.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

IA had this?

 critical thinking. You can in future give temperament, it say about things but this doesn't take the choose, it had the same limitations of a genius in the matter, it can be right but it doesn't prevent the future, had a fortune teller that was IA, she never acquivent say the future, but is very practical and useful, you give the job for a human and he make a worse work for you, so you need be critics of that, and you hire a person and it doesn't want to explain to you why is better, you had to believe blindly because the person know that is but don't want make a report, a justification, I think that is part of the job make a justification about why, the person could just trhu the air a coin and would be luck this way even you can, you pay the person choose for you and was 50%? When you choose was what 3%? Is the same chances, if is 50% you do the opposite and are the same 50%.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Control Heaven I read is

 Build a tower, what is perfect body with the high orations. Still is in use? Was also that Gd promess but He destroys, when He could?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Monday, June 24, 2024

IA of my pictures

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim


He was the woman

 If he remember yesterday that for me was 10 years what I said about the story that he told? That you are a lyar, see you treat with people of your aag ebut they had low intelligence, that is what he went to to in Bahia, I had the assistance of a spiritual psychologist, the type angel, he discover that he was almost prostituted an was man with 4 years old, so this all that bad stories about his past, he was pretty gay, I mean very gay, so doesn't he is with a brain that only peida? He really was married like the press said, is tha the lie so much that his brain went to the toilet when he used it. What he went do in Bahia, he said to me that he married with a prostitute of Bahia, type the marriage of caralho, understand? Sex with a prostitute marries people, she was a prostitute almost like he wanted he was even more trash, she fall with 6 years old, does you felt save with someone like him, so a married man came to Bahia and make sex with a prostitute of Bahia. A lot of person passed to use her name, because when he return would carry anybody, she had that boring name that people repeat all the time. He because her buy a ring to use in the finger like be an Alliance, so some hours after we return to mentally talk, he used to call father a man that went to Bahia just to see him, they had a quarrel he was mulatto, the man wanted the ring and was a fight about the ring I don't know but I think that he swallow it, when he got her to bed he was already famous and all the planet went to bed with her, all the hate against him was to she. Some moment after I return to talk with him, he was tide to a bed because alcohol make he trip, maybe even with the smell of the parfum make he got drunk, so of so gay he was tide to have sex with a lot of men, when everybody went away the ones that left was th eone he call father and one that he passed to cal brother, and the one that he used to call father said for the other that went away, because the younger was to untide him from the bed, so the old man was to kill him and the other had already went away, he asked me to call the police I explain to him that I only could call the police of the State that I was on. He only saved himself because someone call the police in Bahia. A old black granny was waiting that he married real the woman old and used, if she had a black grandmother isn't he miserable to say people that are black because a parenthesque even much more far? Bahianos are that way when they are obvious black they are white when they are white they see colour in all places, I sometimes say you have to got free!!! But I thought what the prison of that miserable the racism is the prison, dementia.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Sunday, June 23, 2024

The impiety kill the body but not the soul

 God sai that He choose the right sin to the end of the world. The impiety for itself ownself, matter very much for despair woman without hope that lie to be important when she is nobody, that humiliate herself to the family to be a person that the person aren't, appear that all the souls are sister of piety, so nobody can kill the own soul with the impiety, have monster above that, is the other evolution, you can imagine that God or Jesus can be different souls? An the impiety is see itself fat and stupid with all conscious that are seeing itself and want receive the soul of another person. Where we went people are inside the churches and inside them aren't the church, demolishing all the values, people don't know nothing about sins but commit them. 

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

And there comes she

 I was saying to him that woman that he invented she was fooling him, I was trying to make him see that discuss a subject is two people talking their ideas, the intention is make the other see that we had a point of view, how can him know what I think if we didn't talk about? Hadn't him doubts about what I said and need be sure this is why is a discussion he is questioning me, but wasn't doing that to have a fight, she passed a day repeating the same shit he said, she thinks that he wanted a woman that argue all day shit like she is saying to him that she is more talent, she is a prostitute in what she is more talent? I say to him that one moment he had to see that was a discussion without a point, I mean a reason she only was offensive and violent. See if isn't talking with Brazil in the mind...

See for her his movies she thoughts that was made to please her, she would not confess because is exposes her age, and is Flashdance and the Frankstein with the Sting she have problem so convinced she thinks that Name of the Rose was to put her in the ice.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Escruples are not eat all the meat pieces

 I see again once when I was kid I said that I knew they are millenar culture but use the bad part of the meat to make brot, I would not eat!!! Appear that the soup is even of shit!!! My grandfather said that for Indians means that they passed hunger and use even the bad part of the meat, like a drive season. Appear to me that means that isn't normal eat, let me show the last time I saw link, link come here...


Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Why not director

 I was listen so much things, imagine the flight of a bat! The life is better than the profession, had a lot of director that is the shit of that city. I could be so important like one having an comparing profession. I was seeing a paid chanel that had rivers and rivers of shit make like trash factory, there any body could be director was only a title, they were making funny with a old director they even like the name of his Brazillian prostitute friend, to comparing him with a very bad director, she receive a prize an not him, how much she direct 3 direcotrs for a bad movie that would receive a prize, but with a director that insist that a movie could be good build in what is bad, they had a factory of director, he would lose his money some time after, I never knew that people make justice that way... And that director with his mania of push to the others his hell made friends. The other appear that had a week with in his company a person that would be punished no matters who still like him.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Some news from today n 10 years ago

 The fly of an angel is the memory, we have to play with fear, to be the best, so how more memory more fast is the flight.

In that day what the drive school director went to do in the Rio de Janeiro, he in the morning wanted to talk with a Brazillian actress that work in Globo, I know her name, but I won't say, she was dressing a jumper, there he offer a movie in USA, but she would have to make sex with him, she didn't wanted he sais to me that he do that with people but he isn't bad how appears to me.

A joke that I had to remember that things got from the bad place, was that: "Todo mundo gosta quando eu penso que isso é feito de resto de cú", I got knew that had two actors in any place of the globe that is use with all the violence. And are victorious but is the rest of the rest, one is so bad, that only appear that wanted to cut the arm of who help him, the movies are cinisms about the two. Is talking about them all the time.

So he asked me if I wanted to be actress, I said no, and director, I sai no, what you want to be, script writer. He sai that I would not receive a prize I said that had a prize for best story.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Here take hold othe hot potato I don't apreaciate that guy

 People could invent a joke that is thru sharp knives in the other CAME MORE processing...

That incarnation that I told, my guide said that we only taste of the good if we taste of the bad. So you never gonna be a pure white if you never be from a another race that isn't white, had one that isn't a test. I almost be carried to England because I was Indian wasn't tragic? One day I would be a man from England seeing that experiments.

That was more that 10 years, so back the memories, murder and chase!!! In that alucinateing night, I was spiritually seeing some people around, had a story of a old woman cutting the photos of the daughter, had the young man of the hand had the older girlfrriend, had the old ladies in the bus saying that in person that guy is evenmore white. So let start...

So the oldest is that the director could even be of drive school, he asked to a friend a old woman that was his phan to she got the pictures of her daughter, so yuong the woman so old, to she got the picture and cut the arm of the daughter of all the pictures. I didn't understand why he did that with her, but she was saying that would make very bad things for his new girlfriend.

The friend that was next his age, she to be near him was calling him son, but what she wanted was marry him, she enter him in Rio de Janeiro because they would return him in so bad shape that he would need a woman like her taking care of him, she would never lose him.

The phans in the USA, took time to remember for me that was more that 10 years, when he lose the hand I said to his friends that took him to a hospital because the hand was to save if in time, they said that they were good was only phans of the director, and they were walking with others from other places of Brazil an them were violent, I had to saw a lot of movies about that to understand that a person had a hand cut out could patient because hadn't choice, I said to worth a pitty try, when his friends was far they said that if one day a person felt pitty from me. When he cut the legs I said that he already had lose the hand also the legs are a lot of mutilation, they said that he got old in short time that he was handsome like that Luke Skylwalker, sorry to say with who they compare, I think was necessary, I really hate cite names even fictitcious.

And he talked with God but God erase his head, because God showed His face, and he is that kind of guy that revenge all. God was saying that He liked all but the script. That he was there to discuss his eternity, and he said that Einstein was veryfamous but he wasn't that talent he was a fraud, God said but he receive his eternity, you I gonna erase you. You would not lived 200 years, and he was to say that had facinoras and they receive their eternity, God was thinking that he was a dangerous type of facínora, one destilated, disguised, manipulating, so he had the brain erased because God wasn't very found of him.

I was talking with him that we can requentar a old joke but we have to make it better, he even doesn't choose the better ones because the good ones would be for his old age, so he was bring the shit and making be with good appearance, I said that I use the bad jokes if I make them be good, was the judment of two men, see the judgment of two mwn can be important of the way was wasn't, the humanity would not lose nothing, living hilding the better and serving the worse, he was creating a worse humanity that prove only the worse that it create, he see a lot of good things but on porpouse choose what he didn't like, is that what he was doing. I said that even he didn't like the result if he was selling his old titles, th eauthorship because his agent said that he was without money. And all tha twomen fighting and killing each other for him, he was so whihtout money that he was selling his past. I said why he care about the demon if agent is type a demon that buy his soul at pieces. If that ladu that would came to help him had to see all that he wanted in TV I imagine that is the most ugly sutpid monster female machine of humanity.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Treat me like a parrot have day that I want shit on his neck

 He wanting be considered a tipical North-American, I thought everything that he was Italian, German, aFrikan but one white American of the country side! And a team, how much were father and take the kids? Where we went to Canion? We travel so much that I thought that we reach Mexico. And he dessed like an Indian.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

The sea is the home of the fishes his problem is that he is gay

 And he handsome like he is using the name of that old direcotr that he is friend, who gonna confuse one with the other, was that he almost die, was a big machete he said, an he said that he would was the ass in the bay, I said to him that biosphere was the big home of everybody, of him of me and of the fishes, what cost him wash his ass in his house? Imagine that the quality of what the fishes would breathe! Only his boyfreind was who like his ass. 

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

But also is important

 The things can't be of the more expensive manner, had to be low consume energy system, I knew that this show man had what he call TV station, can be by the internet but not like a video conference, TV station tha the bought was to conversation by the TV like what I was saying. Is that internet probably make that antagonic but internet isn't the most pratical, is like something that isn't for that make the same work but do it very bad.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Another use for video

 Video comapagnion, type you have a boyfriend or even is married but you aren't in the same place, you can keep talking in the telephone but also sould the same talk thru the TV, a monitor just to talk with another person like being in the same house, till the time to the sleep time be close talking with the other.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

You idn't passed in the 1st you had to got out of prostitution 2...

 I was joking, the test wasn't that but this two I am talking, see you give cause. when you came profitable you put a lot of person to don't have job, one was their father. You had the obligation of take the 2 of the prostitution, I was joking becuase you didn't talked with another person that was fired, you was talking with me, a brilliant kid so who work in the showbusiness isn't serious, and their jobs are this way easy to fire, you didn't had remorse... So me the talent kid pretend other person said, to you that after you make me be fired, I had to work to keep the family and night study to had my diploma, like? The man doesn't know that you felt pitty, the demon went your brains and said for the real test that man didn't had a respectful job, that who do what he does aren't decent you didn't help his daughters, because the father was a what you said? You had a better destiny for that money was for another person pocket so the money existed...

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Good question

 If we are relatives, yes we are for the part of humanity, I am almost sure he is human, is that had humans and humans like him.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I wasn't who was singing lalalala

 I was the one that said had comedians among us, that the joke was repeated, when I remember who was that son-of-bitch that we are travelling on the empty head, I said the joke only improved, hey Fulano the joke only got better and said everyboy together now, like a chorale.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

That scene in the movie what does means

 And is that a pupil - an apprentice will always surpass his master. It is to be that way? Is because the age, if doesn't happens the master was mistaken and choose the wrong person... Hey putz the man said that his replacement was to be a perfect mix of races, she is like shit all the small things mix in a pot, she would made seeing his movies, thanks God I not her I went to school. She is type poor, type I was travelling in airplane t came to here listen all that, she fail, that right? She had to surpass the master. One day her trainiment had to be end you have to abandon her, he is cheating he can't help her, he don't follow hte rules, her education came from the TV, she like the humanity very lazy for the study? Is her brain of the size of a nut? When the travel of airplane would end when we listen all that he was saying about her.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Abou that couple

 They said that he would be rich if she in other life had courage of for money be miserable things to her, one of his friends that he betrayl his didn't did this tha tlife but in another he was so honest, that he was a young woman that sale his arm to recieve a robotic arm and after sold the leg to have a robotic leg, she receive a lot of money to make miserble things to his body, the one that is the false was saying that a arm and a leg didn't pay the sucess of the other.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I myself don't believe in I had that power and believ e that people lie

 Is many times better than Jesus heals because He kills, and sometimes are a monster asking to perpetuete his evil life, so Jesus kills saying that are curing, in my mind the cure is only possible is one chance and not all, if the person want to be good and pay it's debts, I don't know another cure, but the crimes could be very big! Sins and crimes kills the soul, the envy kills the envious, see also want Jesus by father isn't ask a father He is that angelical, noboy asks to an angel to be his father, they ha their sons and daughters, but asked the high position with it?

So Jesus when is killing he subtract all the bodyand bring a small mirror t othe person see a human face, many peple thought that he replace the mebers for monkey members, but is robot, when the face went away all the human of the person would be killed, is like a flash light in the top, so the person doesn't relise what is became until the day that see that flashlight in the mirror, I said to be human Jesus said only one lie would kill your soul, so they asks to people became angels, is just a way to convice people to receive that cure, see Jesus had a so dark heart like them but don't follow his heart, He knows better than anybody who they are.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

The person would like me for that?

 A lot of phans doesn't care if a person make thousands undeployed, because they are past of in the industry, making cheaper, but we had in that point be heart and think in families, he was even thinkign tis is he that USA wasn't in the moon but that was just entertainment and a plot, was all invented and was only a movie to lie to people, I was using one of his eyes, he look for a very old tube, he had violent measures, that got a lot of talent people out of the job, thank God he got all the guilty on his back also with the gold, type who helped him, who give the job to him doesn't share the fault, appear that ha also that the industry only need that ones that appears and not the ones that make the show appeares, he was saying that he was the lady in the lake, if his decision could make jobless a lot of people she scream and people started to danc eand kill each other becuase of his position of governmentship, I don't love or hate people, I just have opnion, but I am inteligent and hold it to myself, but I don't lie to say the things are diferent of my opnion in the most I am sarcasstic and people really understand what I pretend not what I said, I was to say the Jesus operations and people asked for that to the next article, please.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

The year of the extition of one eye color say that sotry properly I was a man

 Was kind year 200, and I was NorthAmerican Indian, and I had green eyes but I know they ae extinct, people of England want me to I went to there, I remember that there was used human cobaias, I didn't wanted I was 14 years was male wasn't married, I thought that probably I had to be undressed there, I thought once among I would not have how defend myself, I didn't went there, and me remberring that one day that I would be a Brazillian spoiled boy and treated very well and today I was a North-American Indian that would be disrespect in Europe. In the same year, the eyes was very black convince them that the Brazillian eye were yellow that they could make the eyes of the North also yellow, but was all lies, and before the demon conquest the North America God pick me and put me in Arabia, I wasn't the first Indian with green eyes, probably I was the last with that green eyes.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Friday, June 21, 2024

Had person that say that

 That tell the story and no matters if people don't want to listen, and people don't want to listen I think that is well paid, nobody can be so boring that tell boring stories and wait that people listen for respect, this isn't talent just annoying. God he would understand what I just said, ho wif I care don't argue, this is my problem people say I had this of don't argue, let the people got drowned, because I don't quarrel, I let people follow their bad behaviour, so what I can say, TRUE!

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Is that the story of the movie

 That ha a soul to be lost and the demon attacks the humanity when try got the lost soul, and the angel try kill the person. And a soul cost the humanity...

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Is that true, why?

 New York is the city of the Angels? Why? I saw so much movie people dying there in the movie are so violent...

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Had this also still today

And the apostles shooting Jesus.

And had more Jesus baptized John Baptise and Jonh Baptize baptise Jesus but my guide, she like gossip like she like some hard liquor, she said that Jonh Baptise cut the dick and baptise for him was ejaculate in the back of the neck of one, esporrar no cangote!

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

aVE mARIA tha tmovie

 How hated and the reason! People they sent to my house type 30 movies DVD, I thought the reason was pissy me of, was two of Tom Hanks I even like him but wasn't that, that movie of the house and the other with Meggie Ryan, but I thought that movie of the Davinci Code the lady had talked to me even about the book was her obsession, I thought that she got mad and was pretend that she was Maria Madalena and she was daughter of Jesus, if she wanted to prove with that movie, here that I gonna see... 

And the Tom Hanks in the Island we were became important? Andn other person sent the movie that he double the voice the Polar Express, is Of Saint Spielberg, hehehe...

Is that I was seeing the exertos, and the Crow had a table, the kill Batman with the Joker had a gain a table, and that Alice of course had a table, oh please they are talking about Jesus and not about the paint...

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Ye ye is in the Bible

 That the lamb up there was mortally offended, go to shit I am of the year before I quit I return home, he-she isn't my friend, you know people problem the write miserable lives to others live... I am decent I only write things that I think I can bear. Put it also says in the same document drink yourselves because is poison what you offer me, so in the Bible are said push to the guilty to she-he got FUCKED.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim





And about that movie

 Let'spray we didn't got to that, and would be only irony, so disgraceful, who would came had already born? A hero so destroyed, holy cow, probably the savation would came before.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim



My guide said that the meaning is

 That he find his soul, I think that isn't a normal situation of a soul show gold hang on the body, because is like his energy be consubstanciada, so he saw his soul and was killing his soul for the gold, his soul is type ridiculous jumping that way and he also, so he almost murdered his soul to robber. I passed to think take care of your soul because the bad that she is and the good that she is it is you, so never think that you can say that your soul govern you to send you to be bad, maybe is you that govern. 

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

What does means

 What it does important I asked "um merda" to be one "merda".

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim



You know what kind of people violence bring

 Bad people, that music doesn't had meaning only lirics and means what is right write in the lirics. And they like do evil to who like be derpessed.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim 

I say about death I just in lack of inteligency now

 For that couple is that who is the older, she had erased the soul because she thinks is the older, is like that she kill the soul to the soul be only she, but if she had to return in time and gave the soul to him he would erase one more one time and she would be dead, for this two J capital J, went after each bad lived life and make them sign that they resigne of soul, I didn't know that was needed.

Also is that the more dangerous death is the person giving medicine that doesn't cure, and being dying, is like the soul had a expire date, for some people they aren't killing the soul is just like a baptism, so the souls need the death of the baptism, a person that are in my city said that had sol for 3 months, and if the age that he was baptised, I was 6 years old when I was baptized, was really goo that souls? So that souls aren't that good, are paratises that the holy water make them went away! Maybe they paratise small souls, small lights he was said that I was blond and growing like a frog.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Some about marriage in some videos

 Of one video, is move that he induce, the meaning is that the girl choose the good guy because choose the other is die or had this dreams not reliase that would lea to death, she had to bloom, if she choose the righ one she would marry and be happy and if she choose the other she would die, because the life of the other never gonna bloom is that way and never gonna change is like another movie very old, that the girl is between two loves, but in the end she choose wrong and the guy was already dead and kill her to take her to the other side, good movie, I thiught was a vampire that, becasue was of good taste but sinister with many things that remember death, they were looking for the friend they even got out of England to USA but didn't discover what they were looking for, so she died. Appear that souls can't travel of ship but of train isn't a good movie?

And other video the meaning of that gesture is I thank God because I gonna marry and the husband is rich. I will be fortunate one, I am better that the others, I don't know why people taught that an imagine why they stopof taught that, was my guide that explain. There is religious se gabar.

An about the same culture, love is a energy "canalizada", why that? Becasue love came for yuo and not for the humanity, you gonna fall in love and not everybody, so is a canalizada energy, you gonna fall in love, but the problem is that a energy could make destruction, so depend for who came that person could is evil and not goo for the person that he-she love.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Thursday, June 20, 2024

The meaning is

 Some things have lirics and meaning, see type I love you could doesn't mean that I like of one way but that I want you dead but about th emeaning, so it's said something that sounds like but the meaning the word is paradox, isn't say that what is good is bad? But if is paradox what is bad is good, so the meaning is that we sometime appear bad to the oterhs but we are good or that you don't get up to save but that we get down to got save, that isn't living in delices that we gonna care of our souls, that we have to passes for the fire that who don't die die and who die live, if people don't die people die, we only can find if we lose, things like that. Had more but I don't see more till now. I go sleep till tomorrow good night.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

My guide said that the meaning is

 That had one thoery about the begining of the mankind that was only one man that was white and woman of all the races, what about this thesys, probably didn't had a white woman to she don't steal the man or robber the heritage of the sons of the others women.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

That racist and her questions

 First hadn't race mulatto, probably is middle way, do you say that a mulatto of English with no matters what race black is of the same race of a mulatto of Italian with black of any race? Isn't the normal they be of the same races of their parents? Imagine the junkyard of all the mulattos no matter what the DNA origin? The miscelanous of almost all is a race? Only would be out the Indians of the planet. Could be that a good thing or a bad thing so impredictble the result.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Atent a request about a technical problem miss talent to direction

 And is about the diference of heights, my guide said that the director of scene forgot and had to went after a friend that helped in the play, the people of the back of the stage are recorded and played in a scream, they aren't there, the director the cousin put a movie agaisnt a cloth transparent screen is to even who is watching doesn't understand appears that in the assays to make the show the stage was small for so much dancers an the director make the people of the back be filmed before and just played in a white screen. He got the result and sent to a studio, and there the director id kind "amigo da onça". 

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

How I gonna say sometimes we wanna lose

 Is another life, had a man that was the exemple of the perfect white!!! The imperfectio on the nooose, is the perfect white!!! Be thub was th epeprfect white!!! Be with that old look was be the perfect white!!! Had curls hair was perfect white!!! We must becareful!!! He said becasue the colour came and seduct with perfect noses... With perfect bodies... And with that extra doses of youth... He got tired and die by now?

So when I was to born with my cousins the girls, he only had asked one prove of love... A person born with blue eyes and only reveal that were blue an not black in the ceremony after the yes. My eyes were blue and were 7 happy bridesmaids. She WON, people he married with a brown eyes dame. Don't give maybe is a question of time, maybe with the deliver maybe after 20 years were all the seve ngiving devices, all rotten think somwthing that wasn't of the bottowm of the heart. 

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Come in my angelical mailing

 About what we are talking about? Was type Alibaba and the 40 thieves. Thieve that robber thieves had 100 years of forgiviness, a techinician said that was need put an parabilic dish inside the room because an pen drive would not work, because he can't reach Americas to got that record. Is that he is kind a h benefector of humanity, on that record had a lot of things even two American Actors raped and almost dead. Is because he listne that would became a lot of miracles, that would be a blue scream with people seing the delected scene, and he prefer robber the original, because would be delected, so he had the original recor, isn't better than that xôxo miracle. I doubt of the talent to special effect of the guy I think that he probably put a worse duble, this is easy and simple.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

A Italian deployment that wasn't used in Cearense bakery

 And a Cearense baker went to Italy this is kind historical, with centuries at least 2, and was becuase of the after day bread that is food, but not merchandise, so he went to Italy to see the deployment of Italy. And there discover what was the recipies? Rabanada and bread puding, first to doesn't passed was enriched the bread, with eggs was better thru in the trash, if you lose money with the lost of the bread so think in brea and eggs? Many times bread is much more cheap to produc than cake, the ingredients... Deal with fresh ferment is the expensive part. And the pudding fedendo and even was the end of the day, was the bread of the day before, the bakey of Ceará appear that they sold for eat in the breakfast churros to people had a fried food in the breakfast, and Don't want know wha the race of churros. So here the deploiment of the day before bread is make toasts, and if the toast got break is flour of rosca, what is rosca the mill had a screw that in portuguese is rosca, is that I don't need to say what is made flour of rosca!!! And is a delicious is just hard so chop thin toast of cake!!!

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Another exploitation in the bakery

 Because this puff pastry is more cheap in bakery than your home a tip to you don't liose money. When in the bakery the puff pastry doesn't work they use to do the crust of pies, and do salt cookies with parmesian cheese.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I create the diploma for USA politician the reason based on liberty

 When I was Huncle I went to England to defend one scietific thesys at the age 26 years old, I defend there 6 thesys, I received a diploma by USA. Int he English newspaper they had a picture of me and my wife and the 3 sons, the picture the faces was small understand... At the time I think that the older didn't wanted to be the oldest and the fall fighting and my wife had twins. Was an operation of course, I think that even the last she didn't wanted had a normal parturation, the oldest was small babies.

So was write in the newspaper of England was write that Huncle Berryfinn white man married with white woman Fulana with 3 kids, to defend a thesys they write about you and your family.

In the defend of thesys was permited even beat in the opponent I didn't went prepare for that but I did...

They said after the fight that was a terrible boy, was because discuss just for the sake of discussing I beat the guy, I answer that so the stornger man wins, and my thesys passed no matters how terible I answered.

So the diploma for the high places politician, choose for the people was to we don't be himiliate for people of any European parlament because they could bring people with diplomas and how we gonna defend the choice and rights of our people, they had scientists with graduation in RACISM! So they were using diplomas to ofend the USA. So the represetatio nof the people with the aproval of the people had diplomas.

On that life I was inveted again to defend the USA again in France but I said that I only would went there after I almost be murdered there if the army of USA be ported with the port of France. People thought that I was right but also I didn't wanted to went. I the time that I went to France they sent me to England to I receive a call there, they sadi to me why you did that, I said that I fight till the end they reply that I would die, I answer so I would die, they replied that I still was a twrrible boy, they asked for my mother I answer that I didn't know what she would think of, but my aunt she really gaved me a good education, my mother was dead before I born she was stabled by a knife, about my father I remember that people said that my mother was pretty, probably he never had intention of marry, I understand the rights of my father wasn't his fault she be stabled and die. He returned to his country I never knew him.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Read to the end to know what yoy want

 In the end when we return to Europe we were in Heaven looklike hel see. Had there a writer of Rede Globo, I was laughthing that he didn't knew that he was Italian, right he was Italian. Right by the gate of Italy we returned t Europe, had so much Italian  Brazil that is more look like Indias and Japanese them Italians, I would not stay is just the entrance to where I went also, I not exactly friend of Italy but I have a lot of friends there. In the end I gona say the stupidity of the 2nd daughter of the woman with a prince of Europe who paid was the step-father, he was to be prostitute like something new.

The guradian had to collect, so returning about the writer, I didn't wanted that he was carring a doctor in Italy that made that operations lose the both hands, in Earth a desease is small in heaven is huge, had the appearance of sweet potatoes, and God that isn't that failed, in the end He would please because He was betraield, so all the European that had a lot of kis in Brazil the vagina end in the chin, in the middle is almost almost all the belly and the warms are inside of that sweet potatoes that are sebaceous, so God remove all that dirt and sew the person to the normal size, indians want so much people like that Italians tha they are confused with Japanese or Indians, is like make juice they had kids with the blacks and after the catch the mulattos to make Indians passing in the siege, multiplying them.

So let me say the good Raquel is a Maria using her name, that oen of today is exactly the woman that you hate her name is other, is because that bad woman need be the woman and was very nasty with the Maria. That director also is phan of Raquel but she in his soap-opera was named Helena. His pair his name is Po...ana he didn't married her but another woman, his one is very appeared with a Indian but is beautiful. So the 2nd had his chance a prince in Europe wanted be pediphilian and paid a new vagina for her, for the daughter of the husband of the person rich women in the Rio de Janeiro and the other a Prince that she got a helicopter to make with him out of Brazil, had something with a black prince, so the 2nd call the rich prince grand-mother, the balck prince is who make the travels of helicopter, he make maoney making people got inside the countries illegaly.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

At 10 years ago

 The guardian said that, but first let say about coffee, about sugar my mother don't drink juice with sugar, I drink juice with sweetness, and if coffee was with sugar I would not drink coffee, how coffee got in your life? How health is a fruit juice if even that had sugar? See even fruit are health.

So is about the artist, the guardian said that he was be murdered in Rio de Janeiro It was or will be? After he would return to USA but he appeared that he bought some soil in USA in a part of the country that hadn't a lot of person and the followers of the woman and his phans would, of course if he survive to Rio de Janeiro, would travel clandestine to his country find the American State that he bought to construct, is something about cinema, appear that he construct even houses to people live there because the soil was cheap because is far from any place. Had 2 that make facil surgery to be his copy so he would be replaced, one of so mad cut the own hand, so they would be in his country chasing him, the Brazillian that thinks that French would be so intimy with him and gonna passes to call him son, if he survive to USA, he would travel of helicopter to a farm in Brazil that live the family of a singer his parents she are fat htose days, there the father of the singer are being miserable with her because hate him, he is calling to warn people of Rio that the artist is in his farm, his son died in Rio becasue of the American artist the problem the farm is far from Rio the ARtist doesn't believe that they are coming to torture him. I talked with him in that era in the past for me. In past I didn't knew that he was evil. And all start he gay, almost dying after be used for a lot of persons in Bahia, he hated in Brazil I thought that was br famous is one day be loved in another be hatted.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I see what people are looking for in that woman

 They want salvation without be Brazillian so they are looking for a Brazillian of BrazBrazil to save the ruined soul of them, when the price is only born in Brazil she doesn't have power of save nobody she isn't Jesus.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Fishes swim better

 Be an American is swiming better try be something else in that pot is at own judgment. Musics doesn't says what it does says, they have meaning.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim 

With what you know today see this isn't the better

 Save your brother, his death didn't save the humanity the man thought that he was untouchable, because he killed a baby and didn't paid, you see your brother that way because he is living in two realms of the indecision is one, he didn't belive that his death produce nothing good, he didn't want live the reality that the guy that kill him still are bad doing maybe even worse, so he isn't a good place even he accept die if was for a good cause but wasn't the guy was so bad at 20 years that a death in before would not change he doesn't felt remorse at all.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

hold on...

Food manufacturing and microbiology

 Bacterium hadn't day and night. They had metabolism that aren't control by day or night. I worked a lot with fresh bread ferment and the industrial one but not the dried, and its metabolism. In the cool temperature it would be there for sure a week, but even last for more time. But is sleep. We used to put in the freezer the advice is 3 months, but we used for one year, so microbium aren't like human cold doesn't kill them.  Stops its life with the freezing doesn't kill them.

You know what for is very good use ferment with low fermentation to make water and salt crackers, with no fat, just flour salt and water and the ferment, it gonna have a irregular fermentation that will produce acid, making be flavoured, people thinks that is lemon juice isn't, crackers with salt and water doesn't need but give a acid flavour that is very charming. But it will suffer another kind of fermentation the bread produce vapour that make that bubbles inside the bread they are lasting type a vinegar in the dough in place of make bubles. Probably what is! A culture old of bacterium, you didn't make the metabolism reproduce only rest the old ones that are dying, old bacterium produce not bubles but acid.

In a bakery had the exploitation, and in one of the biggest industry of flour food also had exploitation, in a normal kitchen for an instance, the right the common example eggs... When you do some recipe the most expensive part of the eggs is the yellow, so you do some creams that use the yellow and had cakes that you use because of the decoration more 6-12 yolks besides the full eggs, so the egg white is thru away in the drain pipes and when you make the price of the pie you calculate by the full egg, so have 2 eggs and 6 yolks you calculate 8 eggs, when you buy one liter of milk you use 600ml lower than that you are losing money, or you are making a recipe that is expensive and if this would benot passed for the price you are exploring YOU, you are working harder to don't passed for the price, in a bakery when th emilk would not be all used? You make a lot of cakes, doesn't had this lost, in the last cake who cares? The other cakes absorb the lost, is a economic question, a bakery even need a freezer, if you use the butter milk and eggs that you bought for the rest of the day, and the eggs, the egg white is make the meringue - suspiro so the part that is for the trash you are making money, is only profit, the oven even that you spent money, because is used the heat of the processing of the cake, is like that the suspiro is dried and not exactly baked, so you take out the cake and put the suspiro, turn out that you doesn't spent even the money with the gas. And of a factory a owner of a factory was colegue of mymother and he sai that all in his factory that went wrong, like even pasta - noodles, is put in the production of the sweet cookies was a recipe that got 1/3 of the full recipe with all that got wrong, like noodles, the other cracker, like got in the wrong consistency, he only had to regulate the recipe. The factory was all automatic had so much glitch that had a lot of dough for the cookies.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Before microbiology reagent

 Do you know that the old pictures, in that paper exposed is put in a sink, small proper size for photo paper, in a reagent and the reagente make the image because reacts, so reagents are sensible to light explosion an people make that had colour, first is a negative. Chemistry helping make pictures.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Were there such dumb people in the audience?

 The diference between morbidy to lethal, a foot cut out rotten is morbidly but isn't lethal.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

What stupid old woman that human woman

 What is the diference of say who gonna survive an who gonna die? Is that we don't say the evil but the good we gonna survive because if is who gonna die is... Isn't offensive violent, we say the good and not the evil.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

The guardian say to I ask

 That Europe had genetic deseases that need be controlled and in the past he wake mix with Indians of India, that he ha made mixes with Africans, but this year coming soon to the cinemas... That the genetic diseases that had in Europe is now majority in Africa and India! So if the mix don't be with Americans, had people that would not die Americas. See also he study the DNA be Japanese the problem? The oncitgent is so small that is only one DNA to save all Europe and with the time will be lost, exhaustion genetic of only one DNA save a lot of races... He need more DNA that could replace see is what we call, diversity. The AFrican DNA and Indian was replace for the one with defect of Europe, like me after what say please.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

What stupidity

 Attacking a family, why if a young lady of Ceará had a baby with a French man, the Ceará would be more French, even the neighbours like everybody is grandchild of the young mother?

That monster doesn't offend a young couple of parents?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

You know what the problem of that North American artist?

 The guradian said had 10 years in past, that he, the artist he is saying that is woman to fool the guardian the guardian said that he was male and he say is woman because he notice, projected that the humanity could not have souls, he said only for another artist of the female gender his madness, because she was black probably didn't had a soul nad he was very promiscuous for lives was a soul that he didn't wanted so, he appear is ecologic or was he was for at least 5 years but from to each year? But is a lie, he hate souls.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim 

The guardian said

 That the soul of Ábosta could kill all the souls of humanity. That he passed in the past till today again. Becasue if you didn't listen him he travelled for all you to in any era you had the answer for the Ábosta. So he asked you if not today in another era, nobody had the answer for the Ábosta, the guardian locked infinitely the soul of the Ábosta he doesn't know that the question is in his soul, the most od question are racism so if the humanity hadn't the answer the guardian cut a piece of the Ábosta and kill him a bit, for each question that the humanity doesn't had an answer, so he gonna die without know his questions, because are so outrageous his racism that could kill all the sous.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Do you think I don't know the difference?

 A person don't want marry a woman from my country and don't want marry me, he isn't exclude me he didn't like Brazillian can't he hate Germans, Frenchs, Italians?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

How happens in a laboratory

 To find the quantity about a chemical, when is atomic had better reagents than the molecular but is that way, you calculate the thing that you want see, blood is better, see the person put a paper of timerosal and compare the coloration of the same way to see if something is alcaline or acid, is a reagent in a paper that change the coloration and you see by the tone the quality.

So you macerate the thing, put in a aquosa substance, why aquosa substance, because is water if you don't have something better water had PH, so all is weight and put in quantities, because isn't weight but molecules, but you think had more molecules if the weight is heavier you cn't count molecules, so you put the reagent had a lot that is liquid and not a paper, but you have to measure the reagent, because if enter 60ml/L after the reaction you have to know how much of reagent that still have in the solution, tharammmm.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I gonna say what is human woman desagree

 Say to me when a dog want make evil to the mankind what it does? Born human. She isn't a human soul. So do you think that a dog when want be human it is intelligent? The dog only could lie, steal, kill like a human of course, and prostitute born human. She being a dog will destroy even herself when see you. And Indiasn probably are afraid of bodies with animals soul could have monkeys with Indians bodies, is another evolution God said to me, don't risk with them.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

The healthy of that food

 Warms without contamination are rich in something that was even used medically, but I don't know what is, warms is like a meat that had alimentary proprieties that you don't fin even in shrimps. The problem is the parasite of the warm, the parasite live in his digestive organ, and if the warm be capture form the nature the parasite doesn't respect with the early age of the warms and all are full of very patologic germs.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

This recipe is from Europe?

 Came here to steal that recipe of my grandfather... He isn't the Indian doesn't you like European recipes? And is make a hole in a Italian cheese an fool with flies eggs, and close almost to don't got air, and when the tapurú became worms eat white worms but the origin are flies. Why you don't want that recipe? I the tendency to the lie?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Bread and wine

 Happens that when making culture of bacterium, what the difference of colonies and culture one is more pop and we have a family of bacterium type two different of bacterium make bread? So in wine the bacterium would die and of the bread would be renovated, the alcohol is result of the respiration and the bubbles are produced perfect bubbles of vapor because was generated oxigen and water... this in bread if ressecar die the colony, so for microbiological the importance is the respiration of the bacterium, one moment the aclohoolic respiration for himself with kill the colony is like saturation. And if you let enter something in the wine when the experiment will be contamination, in the best of the result you will have vinegar. Probably is the bacterium that had in all the places that aren't the one culture that we want that are in the same biota consuming with producing acetic acid.

Rute Beezerra de Menezes Gondim

Let me say the problem of that man

 He isn't of the black race, if he have the same ancestor that had all the Cearenses, had darks, lights, he had the same ancestor than the white of Ceará, is because colour separate, but racially he is Cearense. Racially the race is homogen but not the colour, but the colourations are very look like. 

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

See don't you want see that?

 The evolution of the India culture till they came citizens with factories and modern cities? The most pure Indian isn't in Ceará and aren't all civilized, so how many examples of Inidias became citizen we aren't Indians living in white cities! Like Mexico, but they had a lot of Spain.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

The guardian passed to say who is she for one there

 You wuman woman in Brazil had a grandmother with the same name of Tabita, she used this name had more than 10 years but the real name is that one so she isn't grandmother of your human woman just have the same name, you had a primitive brain?

Get mad, she isn't the govern of Brazil she is only the bad thing in Brazil but she is the control for people like your human woman, see that almost black woman said that was European and came a person with the same name of his grandmother to rape her. In Brazil people had to be polite had one Brazillian body today in Europe... You know why I know why she didn't use that name? Because she was a criminal when was using that name, and she was discovered with that name, would be she using a singular name after run from the police?

So the body in Europe, is a old man that lived a long life in Europe, they was trouble talking about Brazillian, and when amoung the Indians of the North of Brazil, like Amazonas, people think that went to the forest of Brazil is normal! When even a Brazillian had afraid of die there. So when they did a very deceiving body to fool him to fool European, they sent he when small to Europe, he is so Indian that is to laugh be racist with Indian he is one of more Indian, had movies that was to he remember make he recover the memory like glimpses

hold on...